Virginia Has Quarter of a Million Illegal Aliens, 5 Sanctuary Localities – IOTW Report

Virginia Has Quarter of a Million Illegal Aliens, 5 Sanctuary Localities

More than a quarter of a million people in Virginia immigrated to the country illegally, according to estimates, and five localities do not fully work with federal law enforcement regarding deportations.

7 Comments on Virginia Has Quarter of a Million Illegal Aliens, 5 Sanctuary Localities

  1. Virginia has been fucked up for decades… at least NORVA and the Nice Bridge into King George. And even as far down as Front Royal the last time I went through there.

  2. “…and five localities do not fully work with federal law enforcement regarding deportations.”

    …s’ok, the Federal Government doesn’t work with Federal law enforcement regarding deportations.

    Ask any Border Patrol agent who has been killed in the line of duty or fired and vilified for doing his job for further details.

  3. 5 too many sanctuary cities. Still in dire need of illegals. Not enough gimmy-gimmys yet to make Virginia liberals wake the hell up. Maybe when multi generational welfare recipients have their free shit denied because it’s going to illegals, the free-shitters will wake up.

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