Virginia Lawmakers Rebuke Anti-Trump Restaurant Owner for Tossing Sarah Sanders out – IOTW Report

Virginia Lawmakers Rebuke Anti-Trump Restaurant Owner for Tossing Sarah Sanders out

Breitbart: Virginia lawmaker Ben Cline (R-VA) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) apologized on Saturday to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders who was kicked out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, on Friday night because she works for President Donald Trump.

“On behalf of my hometown of Lexington, I want to apologize for the rudeness of one liberal New York transplant (who also happens to be Meryl Streep’s cousin). We hope you will come back and enjoy our area’s true southern hospitality,” Cline tweeted in response the Sanders’ tweet about being tossed out because restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkinson she is anti-Trump.  more here

13 Comments on Virginia Lawmakers Rebuke Anti-Trump Restaurant Owner for Tossing Sarah Sanders out

  1. One way or another Red Hen will pay the consequences. Was Sarah wearing a shirt and shows? This lady has more class than the entire democrat party. They went out of control when their broomstick candidate lost the election. The Obomulatto didn’t help one iota.

  2. Meryl Streep’s cousin?

    Meryl Streep got where she was by her “association” with Harvey Weinstein.

    Did Stephanie Wilkinson get her restaurant through assistance of Streep’s money or Harvey’s casting couch?

    I suppose the the fame and money came from the same place.

  3. Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein will probably be dropping in for dinner with Meryl Streep as soon as they get some of their legal issues settled. The owner being a New York City transplant and Meryl Streep’s cousin makes this three degrees of suppuration. Send in the Health Department to stop the Yankee Liberals from infecting Lexington with Social Justice!

  4. Elected officials need to stop apologising for the cameras and start prosecuting people and other elected officials for breaking the law.

    In other words, get off your ARSES and go to WORK!!

  5. Call me when a Dem pol apologizes.

    And a prediction: Cline will be accused of “what some are calling doxing” for mentioning the Streep connection. Probably Stelter, or that other doughboy, Acosta.

  6. Face it, most Conservative protesters will end up arrested, its the Liberal way.
    What is needed is a new approach. They leave bodies everywhere, but when their actions cross the line that person could “Disappear”, no trace. Pretty soon, silence will fill their hearts because nobody will know where they “Disappeared” to. In preparation for these festivities, farms could be quietly renovated in upstate NY (FEMA Camps) to receive them for re-education. No outside contact, only work, the Pledge of Allegiance and patriotic songs. Let them sleep on wooden bunks and till the soil with their hands until they see the error of their terror. It would sure beat violence.

  7. Virginia is being invaded from both the southern and northern border. Not sure which is more insidious.
    That’s why we faded from red state to blue. It’s the reason for macauliffe, Kaine, Warner and Northam.
    Disgusting parasites have riddled our body politic.

  8. PHenry, there are few things more obnoxious than a native southern prog. These hillbilly hippies wallow in self-guilt over our history, and they all wish they were John Brown. Or wish they could have blown him.


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