Vomit Inducing and Clueless Population – IOTW Report

Vomit Inducing and Clueless Population

These vapid, dummy queers think that the male population is around 40% gay.Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 12.45.57 AM

17 Comments on Vomit Inducing and Clueless Population

  1. And apparently the “education system” is brainwashing these idiots with that garbage too. You could tell they hadn’t actually thought through or researched the stats the least bit – just blurting out the general impression they have from what they are exposed to by society and government schools.

  2. ECP – I think that’s what Juan McCain believes is the ratio of people in favor of criminal invaders taking over America. Only the crazies could support Trumps current stance.

  3. They have taken the rainbow, the word gay among other wholesome things and incorporated them into their perverted, diseased ridden lifestyle….no they are still just nasty little queers. At the most….a very vocal three percent of the population. Squeaky wheel gets the oil type of thing. You can apply the same thing to radical negros, third world invaders and undercover evil haji’s. Too bad the silent majority is so passive, hardworking and silent. I push back every chance I get… sadly…it has cost me. How does the saying go…”you know you’re on target when you start taking flak.

  4. The Queer multi-colored flag represents the following:

    Red: Sodomites
    Orange: Lesbians
    Yellow: Transmutants
    Green; Pedophiles
    Blue: Bestiality
    Purple: Necrophilia

    It takes a special kind of pervert to stain and uglify common ordinary colors!

  5. This isn’t particularly surprising. Every interest group over-estimates their size an thus influence. The bigger story is that Gallup polling has for years shown that a sizable majority of the US believes that 25% of the population is gay. This is the single best reason to go with Walker. There is no way to hold back the darkness when our citizens are being taught these kids of lies and there is no way to stop the lies without dismantling our education establishment. That’s Walkers specialty. It is far and away the most important thing our next President must do. Without it there is no way to win this.

  6. Homo population is no where near ONE percent of the population. We’re from two large liberal west coast cities. Affiliated with 3 high schools totaling about 1,800 graduates per year. At 40 year reunions there are still only THREE known homos and NONE from our graduating classes.

  7. Think they’ll prance and parade when the Caliphate takes over?

    Hell, the socialists aren’t really crazy about em, either … they just realize that they’re a destabilizing influence. Once victorious, they’ll either put them in re-education camps or throw em off buildings.

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