Vote for me: I’ll put you out of work! – IOTW Report

Vote for me: I’ll put you out of work!

Patriot Retort – Why in the name of sweet, fancy Moses do Democrat candidates for President campaign on putting people out of work?

It’s the oddest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

Hillary did it.  Remember?

At a CNN Townhall in March of 2016, Hillary proudly announced she was going to put miners out of work.

”For example. I’m the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean, renewable energy as the key into coal country. Because we’re gonna put a lotta coal miners and coal companies out of business.”

Of course later, when Hillary went to coal country and was called out for bragging about putting miners of out of work, she flat-out lied and claimed her words were taken out of context. KEEP READING

17 Comments on Vote for me: I’ll put you out of work!

  1. thankfully, leftard candidates believe the MSM publicity, which truly believes the rest of the country believes what they spout & regurgitate day after day.

    just like the ‘trans-gendering’ & calling everyone that disagrees w/ them ‘racissss’ is no longer working, neither is their view of the majority of US people

    get used to losing … asshole shitweasel commies … ‘gonna put y’all back in chains!’

  2. I’ll keep burning anthracite, you miserable reeking rot. You could have had atomic powered steam. But the fucking 13 foot dandelions clouded your vision.

    You waste. A total fucking waste.

  3. It worked for Obola!
    Got a second term, didn’t he?
    (I know there was massive voter fraud, but that’s part of the deal)

    Joey’s just carrying on the tradition: Carter, Clinton, Obola …

    izlamo delenda est …


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