Vox contributor wants YouTube to deplatform Steven Crowder – IOTW Report

Vox contributor wants YouTube to deplatform Steven Crowder

When Crowder fisks Carlos Maza’s Vox videos, propaganda that usually touts the wonders of socialism, he sometimes calls Maza the lispy queer, or the gay Mexican, or some sort of reference to his gayness.

That’s because Carlos calls himself the “gay wonk,” refers to himself as queer, and pretty much exudes a hierarchy that proclaims he is queer first, a human being second.

Me no like people like that, right or left.

Maza is butthurt, and not physically this time, but mentally—->

The overlooked portion of this online clash?

Crowder’s debunking of these idiotic Vox videos is a public depantsing of this Maza dope, point by point.

Newsweak has more

12 Comments on Vox contributor wants YouTube to deplatform Steven Crowder

  1. Only Pussies who’s arguments can’t hold up to scrutiny, debate or competition do this kind of shit! The real point however, is that THEY KNOW IT which is exactly why they do it!! Take the path of least resistance by geting the Truth out of the way so they can push their agenda without any real push-back.
    See how easy it is when there’s nobody to fight you?

  2. What a cry baby Maza is.
    I read the whole Newsweek article. He can’t stand being called out for being a cumrag sucking fag(he names himself) with a axe to grind. He can not stand the heat that he has brought upon him self. The left has no shame. Gay first is all he cares about, everyone else needs to a take a back seat. Look at me is all he cares about.
    Oh and we are all racist.

  3. The vile little shit knows that he’s repulsive and makes people’s skin crawl and that compels him to lash out at society in general. If he has a following at all other than a scattered few desperate homosexuals that are equally as cringe worthy it’s those that can’t resist a peak at the freakish degenerate.


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