Vroom Vroom- That’s the Sound of Taxpayer Waste – IOTW Report

Vroom Vroom- That’s the Sound of Taxpayer Waste

FDR in Hell sent this in ^. It’s Broward County Sheriffs department’s Lamborghini.

Then McFartus sent this in –>

Ooch. Straight shot, right to the donut holder.


28 Comments on Vroom Vroom- That’s the Sound of Taxpayer Waste

  1. Plain Jane, when this is all finished, when all the crybullies are done insulting our intelligence and spreading gun control propaganda interspersed with outright lies, this story will be the the only one to which the professional fact-checkers assign pinocchios.

  2. Oops, here’s the Lambborghini story.

    Irrespective of all else, it is apparent that the BSO has been focussed on everything EXCEPT their core deliverable. Or I guess I should qualify that, all law enforcement agencies have certain activities that the public expects them to be focussed on and in the case of this department there seems to be little or nothing in the public record that suggests that they have been engaging in anything other than a three ring circle jerk.

  3. “There’s gunfire in the school! You’re a Broward Deputy? Aren’t you going to do something??!!”

    “Oh…I m a Broward Deputy Monitor. I only tell you if there’s a problem. You have an active shooter in the school.”

  4. Broward (rhymes with Coward) Country has defended this, saying the Lamborghini was a loaner and it was wrapped in their colors for. A special event at virtually no cost to taxpayers.
    I doubt I would trust anything from that department.

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