Wait… further action may be required??? – IOTW Report

Wait… further action may be required???

A dopeyRed Sox fan leaned over to a guy after a Kenyan woman finished the National Anthem at Fenway park and said, “she really ni∂∂ered it up.”

The white guy, who had his black father-in-law and his young half-black son with him, asked the man to repeat himself.

The guy said it two more times.

The white guy went to the ushers and told them what happened. They removed the guy and later he was issued a “lifetime ban of Fenway Park.”

That is harsh, but it’s Fenway Park’s right.

But another line caught my eye-



The team said the matter was turned over to Boston police, who would further investigate with their civil rights unit and determine whether it merits further action.


What possible further action can be taken by law enforcement?

It is not illegal to lean over to a guy and say, “that woman really ni∂∂ered up the National Anthem.” It’s stupid, especially saying it to a guy with a black family, but it should never be illegal.

And the day that it is made illegal is the day that I will start using the word every chance I can get, just on principle.

I hope my black friends understand.


37 Comments on Wait… further action may be required???

  1. He lost me at tattling to the usher. Could have handled it with a simple Fuck You!

    I can see going to the usher if he leaned in and threatened a life or leaned in and offered to take his
    son to the men’s room.

  2. Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right. “Use the word daily”. Not a productive option. Just pray they all die slowly on the drive home in a fiery crash and spare the rest of us.

  3. Where do they think they are, the U.K.?

    This is what they do over there. Online speech is also prosecuted – even if a snowflake just doesn’t like what you say.

    In the land that banned Michael Savage from entry, the truth is hate speech.

    I never thought the 1A would ever be attacked like it is now.

  4. We live in a social justice world – we must go to that man’s life, find out why he feels that way, and correct him unto the third generation.

    Social structures no longer exist to handle this in a shaming manner, showing him that his actions are not representative of social values/norms because we don’t set them. People like clinton, jesse jackson, et al do

  5. Fenway, the Bosox, and Boston itself is under heightened racial scrutiny following a game against the Orioles recently in which black outfielders were treated to racial epithets from Bosox fans. This is just the beginning of a long series of Fenway ousters as they try to quell the perception that the Democrats of Boston are a bunch of racist pigs.

    An example article:


  6. How are you going to say it every day when you can’t type it? You said “if,” I get it, but at some point niggered turned into “ni∂∂ered” like Bruce Jenner turned to she.

  7. All she did was “ni∂∂ered up the National Anthem”. That ain’t shit to what Barry did. As a matter of fact I blame Obama for this unprecedented escalation in racist rhetoric.

  8. Boston … Mass … er … Taxachusetts … meh …
    guys at a ball park … socialist thought police …

    hmmm … could it be that America is in a death spiral and nobody noticed?

    “niggered up” isn’t a racist phrase. Similar to “bollixed” or “fucked up” but the “nigger” in “niggered up” wasn’t directed at anyone in particular and, indeed, no one in general. Simply a popular expression, like “nigger-rigged,” which has no racial connotation, either.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The word for today is “melisma”…

    melisma: noun, plural melismas, melismata [mi-liz-muh-tuh] Music.
    1. an ornamental phrase of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in plainsong or blues singing.

    This is the techical term for “ni66ering it up”.

  10. Freedom of speech means you have the right to be an asshole, or a bigot. So long as the guy didn’t threaten anyone, or physically assault anyone, then there is no need for the police.
    Only the NAZIS and communist regimes have laws against ‘certain speech.’
    Tread carefully now, or else this kind of thing WILL turn ugly.

  11. As long as one group of Americans gets to use a word freely, ALL Americans should be allowed to use the word freely without penalty.

    Anything less is racist and un-American.

  12. A grown man tattling.
    Is the world locked in 3rd Grade?
    This is nothing a Kurt Vonnegut saying couldn’t have fixed:
    “Why don’t you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the MOON!”
    Instead of being a little bitch man-child about a social faux pas, he could have made himself look all Literary and stuff.

  13. Ululating the national anthem is a disgrace. Using the park’s authority to banish the observer for his comment was fascist, denouncing him to the police authorities is communist. There may be a show trial, the sheople will ignore it or participate in Two Minutes Hate against the blasphemer before he is sent to a gulag.

    Wake up.

  14. Why ni∂∂er???

    Wanna subsidize this blog?
    Are you not aware of the ongoing assault of conservative blogs by ad placers looking for any excuse to cut them out of the monetization stream?

    I could take a stand and be the brave 1a champion… for about 3 weeks, and then we would be no more unless the 1a readers ponied up to keep us going.

  15. @ Tim

    In the 70s we used “Afro-engineered”, but only amongst ourselves! It was a time we weren’t even allowed to use the word black in reference to anybody.

  16. Alright. Just tell the guy to go F himself or tell him he’s being a douche in front of his kid.
    Unless the guy trying to only let his friend hear what he said… Then it sounds like dad should have minded his own business.

    Only threats of violence, fights, drunken riots and theft gets you kicked out of the ballpark. A lifetime ban because you made a dumbass remark to your friend is ridiculous.

    EDIT: OK I re-read that part at the top. He said that to the father? What a dope! OK still, tell the guy he’s being an ass and shame him.
    There’s no threat of violence there! Come on. The best thing the park could have done was remove the family and give them better seats. But geez, ban a dumbass for LIFE? Ridiculous.

    I was at Dodger stadium plenty of times. [fights in the stands, stabbings in the parking lot, racial epithets thrown willy nilly, morons throwing gang signs] If they banned people for life there, no one would go to the games.

  17. The original phrase was ‘niggard rigged’ and use the ‘jig’. These are names for supporting and forming pieces in a blacksmith’s shop.
    Well, they used to be, anyways.

  18. I’d say that by going after the douchebag for using the N-word, the Boston Police are being niggardly in their use of Common Sense.

  19. Pull out my cell and say “Imma call a few friends to wait for you in the parking lot after the game – you probably want to leave now…”
    That should fix it.

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