Warmists lynching an innocent bystander, CO2 – IOTW Report

Warmists lynching an innocent bystander, CO2

h/t Really Enraged.

American Thinker: I live in SE Queensland. Yesterday the surface air temperature rose from a frosty 36ºF at sunrise to a balmy 72ºF in mid-afternoon. The enormous heat needed to achieve this 36º of warming came via radiation from the sun. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plays no significant part in this daily heating event – in fact it may intercept a tiny proportion of the incoming solar radiation and re-radiate it in all directions, thus keeping the daytime surface temperature a tiny bit cooler than it would have been otherwise.

At the deep Mount Isa Mine in NW Queensland, the surface temperature may average about 77ºF but it increases by about 20ºF every 50 meters of depth – rock walls are red hot in places. The enormous heat causing this comes via conduction from Earth’s geothermal heat plus some oxidation and heating of the sulphide ores as they come in contact with natural air containing oxygen. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plays no part in this heating.

There are volcanic windows open right now in Hawaii, Japan and the Galapagos revealing the vast resources of volcanic geothermal heat which is always migrating towards the cooler surface, sometimes violently. more here

7 Comments on Warmists lynching an innocent bystander, CO2

  1. The earths temperature fluctuations is part of a dynamic process that always has been. The idea that we as humans have some control over that is a preposterous assertion. This is just another aspect of the urge for some to wield control over others.
    These are creeps with strong authoritarian instincts we need to keep in check by any means necessary.

  2. Mankind NOT responsible for temperatures, or the rise and fall of continents. There are old ocean bottoms at seven thousand feet. Somebody going to lie to me and tell me the ocean was up over that one time? No, the continent rose.
    If continents can rise, they can go down, too.
    When we go into another ice age, we will move out onto the continental shelves and discover all the ancient civilizations drowned there when the ice caps melted.

  3. Used to be, that we were ‘geo-centric,’ everything revolved around the earth, Copernicus and Bruno paid for getting us to being ‘hello-centric,’ where the sun is the center of things, Lately, there is a ‘homo-centric’ movement (in more ways than one) in trying to make man responsible for everything.
    It will take a while, but eventually, it will be generally known that our solar system is also in movement/orbit, and that there are seasons for our entire solar system itself. (We are emerging from a ‘dusty’ area of the universe right now and radiation is going to increase). Until that time, some will make a lot of money from other’s close mindedness. Snake oil.

  4. I note that no one has been shouting how much greenhouse gas the Hawaii volcano is emitting in to our atmosphere.
    Must be a tiny, negligible amount if they’re not reporting it


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