Was That So Hard? – IOTW Report

Was That So Hard?

Steven Hildreth, Jr. gets pulled over by the police in Tucson, AZ.


He’s wearing a hoodie and has a Glock in a holster.

See what happens next Here




18 Comments on Was That So Hard?

  1. I didn’t think you needed to get permitted in AZ as it is a Constitution carry state?

    Arizona gun control laws are among the least-restrictive in the United States. Arizona law states that any person 21 years or older, who is not a prohibited possessor, may carry a weapon openly or concealed without the need for a license. (A concealed carry permit is required in most other states.)

  2. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —–Edmund Burke

    Steven Hildreth, Jr is a good man who set an example for all to follow. Kudos to him for posting this.

  3. As I understand it, AZ has a lot of restriction where you can carry with out a permit. We have a lot of relatives in AZ. They all have permits and renew them. I have a non resident AZ ccw. Good for all the states I want to travel to except Nevada and Oregon.

  4. Exactly what I intended to post before reading your’s.

    It’s somewhat analogous to ML King Jr. hoping for a day when the “color” line would be erased from all forms. And both are prevented by exactly the same people.

  5. They ran the plate before they approached the car and saw he was a CCW permit holder, that’s why they asked.

    I’ve been told by a LEO that basically with any stop they know if the registered owner of the car has a CCW permit automatically when pulling up the plate.

    I always suspected it but I asked one day and he confirmed it.

    Very refreshing to read a story like this. Thanks for posting it.

  6. Really great story. It’s already been mentioned, but most if not all of the people who have had problems with the police failed to comply with a lawful request and it escalated. Be polite, comply, stay alive.

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