Was This The Worst or Best Hair Dryer Design? – IOTW Report

Was This The Worst or Best Hair Dryer Design?

From 1981-

magnum_dryer_ins Hairdryer-Magnum-4-550x354

24 Comments on Was This The Worst or Best Hair Dryer Design?

  1. eternal cracker p, exactly. Those in the PC world will abhor this, but the intent (for the day) was to illustrate how ‘powerful’ it was. I remember it. There was no subliminal message to kill yourself. Those that even take a minimal tone of disapproval… well, you know…

  2. I’m an avid shooter and pro second amendment guy. I feel it might not be a good idea to make light of firearms. A child might get the wrong idea. That said I played with toy guns as a child. Things were different then. We respected everything more. Back then this would be fine. Today I’m not sure. If people will put 0bama in office twice, their kids might try to dry their hair with a .357. I’m open to criticism.

  3. Give me a freekin’ break. We played cops and robbers, Combat, Rat Patrol, Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Daniel Boone, Davey Crocket, etc… Toward the end of the 60’s, there were toy guns that fired spring loaded projectiles. None of us went out to be killers that were infected by the toys or products. No one shot their eye out with a BB gun either.

    Those of you that think this is so influential, go back to the libtard rock that you’re now sticking your turtle head out from under.

    Growing up, there were no gun safes, pistols were in the nightstand, rifles/shotguns were in the closets. I knew if I went to any of those locations, it would be known/found out (before digital surveillance), and I’d get my ass kicked by both Mom and Dad.

    I was also taught/shown at an early age of what a firearm would do as illustrated by shooting a milk jug & watermelon, impressed upon that could be my or someone else’s head, and that ‘sorry’ didn’t cut it.

    Screw anyone that thinks this is wrong. You’re a libtard if you do. Teach your children WELL. If you don’t, the onus is on YOU.

  4. I didn’t direct my response at Whiskeycart. Only at those, in the totality, who don’t have a respect for teaching their children properly, and then expect to impose their ignorance on others. Otherwise, there is no issue.

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