Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan’s, Not Hers – IOTW Report

Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan’s, Not Hers

(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

DC: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.

She threatened “consequences” on May 18  for the chief of the Capitol Police unless the laptop was returned — despite police contending it was needed to help determine whether a staffer may have violated the House’s cybersecurity.

“This was not my laptop. I have never seen that laptop. I don’t know what’s on the laptop,” she said Thursday. She said it was Imran’s laptop but purchased using taxpayer funds from her office.

After the exchange with Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa, Wasserman Schultz fought to block access to the laptop so vehemently that she hired an outside law firm to argue constitutional issues, an exceedingly rare step.  more

20 Comments on Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan’s, Not Hers

  1. Ya Know, Democrats Are Devious Enough to Have Set The Whole Story Rolling to Make Us Look Bad if the Computers Clean . But I Doubt That’s the Case, I Think We Finaly Cought a Rat !!!

  2. So Deb Looks Ecstatic And Pliable, Sure She Just Got Laid and All !
    However I Knew a Woman Too Well That Had Deb’s Disposition. She Was A Highly Succesful Driven Woman as Well, She Was Also Manic or Bi-polar !!!

  3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not be found criminally responsible.

    The stellar, professional, nonpartisan FBI investigators hired by the Obama Administration and now serving Sessions will state she was just careless.

    The Media will hail this revelation with bravado.

  4. Sooooo, she lied to the police to hinder their investigation and ocntinued to do so until a couple of days ago. That alone should be enough to start an investigation by the congressional ethics committee (toothless and left partison I know but it would make the papers) which would censure her for her actions. It would also make her vulnerable in the next election. Actually, I would hope the DC police would lay charges against her if only to show that even a Democrat can’t out and out lie and threaten the cops.

  5. She learned well from the Clintons. Deny, deny, deny. They follow the leftist scripts almost verbatim!

    I know, let’s have another congressional investigation. What a super tool to hide criminal activities and political criminals.

    Letting congress investigate is like letting trials be held in prisons, by inmates.

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