Watch a parade of left-wing politicians praise the unimpeachable integrity of James Comey – IOTW Report

Watch a parade of left-wing politicians praise the unimpeachable integrity of James Comey

Including VP candidate Tim Kaine, Pelosi, Reid, etc…

Last week, Democrats argued that FBI director James Comey was a moral paragon.  He was independent, methodical, thorough, and intensely honorable. Republicans who believed Comey was letting Hillary get away with an obvious crime were simply part of the vast right-wing conspiracy – an undignified mob that would spare no effort in their ugly quest to destroy a good woman.

That was last week.

SNIP: IF… If they are truly pissed off at Comey and this is on the up and up, if I were those Dems I’d be reaaaal careful about what I say about him. Comey may accidentally email a file or two to Judicial Watch or Wikileaks. But, you know, without any ‘intent’.

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