We Have To Add a Litter Box To Those Gender Neutral Bathrooms – IOTW Report

We Have To Add a Litter Box To Those Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body – she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night

A psychologist has said she can grow out of it, but Nano wants to be a cat for life

(Why can’t transgenders “grow out of it?”)

Daily News –

A Norwegian woman claims she was “born in the wrong species” and believes she is cat trapped in a human’s body.

The 20-year-old known as Nano said she possesses a slew of catty characteristics: ultra-sharp hearing, laser night vision and fierce aversions to both dogs and water.

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“It’s also obvious that I’m a cat when I start purring and meowing,” she said in a YouTube video that has racked up more than 300,000 views. “And walking around on four legs and stuff like that.”

Nano said she first realized she was a cat when she was 16 years old. Doctors found a “genetic defect” in her DNA, she said — which she believes proves she is a cat.

“Born in the wrong species,” she said. “My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it.”

The 20-year-old did not elaborate on the “defect” or provide any proof that her DNA matches that of a cat. She looks entirely human, but she wears a cat-ear headband and a fluffy stuffed tail to help her inner feline match her outward appearance.


ht/ fdr in hell

42 Comments on We Have To Add a Litter Box To Those Gender Neutral Bathrooms

  1. Youtube, eh?
    That explains it. She wants to make free money by getting hits on youtube. That’s the exact reason she is doing it. Attention, and free money so she doesn’t have to work.

    So she wants to be a cat? Fine. Make her eat cat food for the rest of her life, make her shit in a litter box, have her sleep outside in a barn at night, and have her catch mice for a living.

  2. Why didn’t I think of this 40 years ago? I could have claimed to be a cat trapped in a human body and gotten life long disability instead of having to work my human off for decades.

  3. You know, one day soon, a massive worldwide catastrophe will occur, and thes millennials, these children that you spit on, these discouraged basement-dwellers, these confused youth trapped in bodies they didn’t ask for, they are going to rise up and amaze everyone with their decisiveness, their industriousness and their intellighahahahahahahahahah damn, I almost madeithahahahahahahahhhaaahhaaa….

  4. OK. I’m a 6’2″ 180lb dark-haired blue-eyed studly-stud guy with a wonderful sense of humor, and unbelievable people-skills, who has his way with women just by flashing his pearly-white piano keys in their direction, stuck in a fat, arthritic, midget, bearded, cigar-chomping, high-forehead, sore-footed, silver-haired, old man’s body.

    Can I get some money?

  5. Knew it. It was only a matter of (a VERY short) time before this trans-gender crap morphed into trans-species.
    Please. Do your best to ignore it. if “it” doesn’t get the attention “it” desires, hopefully it will re-morph back into a human bean. Possibly even a conservative productive tax-paying one. But I ain’t holding my breath waiting for that to happen. Most likely it will go back to being a slovenly lazy whiny entitlement welfare moocher.

  6. Enter your comment here…i keep getting a message that this comment will to sent to another site that
    is not secure. anyone getting same same message ??

    is it barry o’fraud & butt liftin’ muzzie clapper
    tracking this insignificant v-vet that does not have
    have an income = to his illegal immigrant neighbors ??

  7. There is a verse in the Bible about casting down imaginations:

    “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
    ” 2 Corinthians 10:5

    Things can get very bizarre when imaginations are encouraged and promoted as a valid replacement for reality, logic, and the basic laws of nature.

  8. So she hates water to explain her typical progtard foul stench? And does she spray on the furniture and puke hairballs on the bed?

    I definitely think she should be spayed so she can’t pass that genetic defect on to another generation.

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