We Report, You Ignore – Jeb Bush on Colbert – IOTW Report

We Report, You Ignore – Jeb Bush on Colbert

If anyone gives a dump –

Jeb and Colbert make fun of Trump here

Jeb compliments Barack Obama here

13 Comments on We Report, You Ignore – Jeb Bush on Colbert

  1. I watched this just to prove that it would be as predictable as I thought.
    We all knew Colbert wouldn’t say a bad word about Hillary or Biden.
    We all knew Colbert would attack Trump.

    Colbert is an asshole just like Letterman.
    Thing is, David was funny early in his career.
    Colbert wasn’t funny at all.
    The audience was guffing it up like a bunch of drunk frat boys.
    It was worse than a laugh track.

    Just looking at Colbert, he has that dickhead expression that he just can’t help himself.

    Ultimately the assholes had nine months to prepare and they produced total crap.

  2. With Hillary crashing and burning, Jebby could be the democrats savior if they would take him to their bosom. Probably wouldn’t be hard to talk Jeb into it either.
    Besides, he has a nice crease in his pants and no negro dialect…even when speaking Spanish.

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