We Weren’t Joking When We Said Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Needs Help – IOTW Report

We Weren’t Joking When We Said Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Needs Help

We are watching the deterioration, like many leftists, of Kurt Eichenwald in real time.

Eichenwald went on George Staphinfection’s show to, perhaps, mend his standing in the journalism world after his strange appearance on the Tucker Carlson show, but he just up the amperage on the crazy.

When asked if he regretted his tweet when he declared that Trump was in a mental hospital in the 90s, he explained he was only joking. It was a series of tweets responding to the right’s claim that Hillary was ill, and all of the collective tweets culminated in the infamous “Trump mental hospital” tweet– which was actually a “signal to a source that they should reach out to him.”

It was a “batshit crazy” signal, if you will.

I have a theory. It was Eichenwald who was in the mental hospital and he saw a guy that looked like Trump.

Hey Kurt!

Go back to the hospital and see if anyone remembers Trump being there. Tell them, “the loon wails as well as tweets.” That’s the “signal” and they’ll show you to the room where all the proof is.

They have good Jello.


ht/ just the tip


21 Comments on We Weren’t Joking When We Said Newsweek Writer Kurt Eichenwald Needs Help

  1. Little Icky Eichenwald ran through the ward
    Up and the hallways ’cause he was really bored
    “I want strawberry jello! I fell down and got a bump!”
    “Don’t give me no more Valium! Oh look there’s Donald Trump!”

  2. He spewed all that bullshit and Stephanopolis (?) just sat there like a 22 ounce roofing hammer. Ah, the state of journalism today. Now we hear that Steph has to cuddle up with his wife and daughter in bed to ward off the evil spirit of Donald Trump. Whale oil beef hooked!

  3. The reality is that with Obamacare and the shortage of medical professionals, especially in the mental health field, people have to wait longer for appointments. Unless it is an emergency, it isn’t that unusual to wait 6 or 7 weeks for a visit with the doctor after calling.

    And so here we are with thousands of Progs who need their psychotropic drug dose increased and they can’t get an appoinment with their shrink in a timely fashion. Sadly, we all have to suffer.

  4. I just saw on Drudge that twitter has agreed to turn over the source of the epilepsy inducing tweet. I would love to see how this turns out. Is there someone who tweeted something like that because he is “well known to have epilepsy”? Having grown up with a mother who had grand mal epilepsy during a time when it wasn’t well controlled with medication, I am having a hard time believing this happened. It may be well known he had epilepsy but they are not all triggered by flashing lights.

  5. Corky, isn’t stress a trigger as well? He had just come from Carlson, a meeting which didn’t go well. He was also having that tweetfest meltdown.

    One big thing that made me think he was lying was that alleged wife tweet. Tweeting during a medical emergency is the LAST thing I’d be doing. If his wife was so “terrified,” I doubt she would be either.

    Yes, will be interesting seeing him try to prove the gif is what triggered a seizure, if he really had one.

  6. My hope and prayer is that these deranged demoncrats continue their campaign. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT medicate them. They should be left to their own devices and become the free range squirrels that their nature calls them to be. With each passing day they demonstrate for all Americans the lunacy that today’s leftist have become. As obama and Hillary have led the demoncrat party into the wilderness of political irrelevancy with even more state and local elections wiping out even “safe” demoncrat strongholds, the demoncrat party has continued onward with their battle cry “We know they way, everyone follow us…” what they leave out is the end of that sentence, which is “…off the cliff!” So I will just sit back, much popcorn and enjoy the show as the minority congressional party RE-Elects Nutty Nancy to lead them even further into that dark dark night.

    One request, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE run Hillary again in 2020 !

    This is enough to even make the Grumpiest among-st us to smile…Deplorably.

    MSG Grumpy

  7. LIsl–stress is definitely a trigger and it was a big one for my Mother. Just an aside, my parents were married in 1944 and had to elope from WV to Maryland because it was against the law (blue law) in WV to marry someone with epilepsy. Growing up, it was a huge secret that she had epilepsy because she was so ashamed. Of course it was hard to miss all the seizures and very scary for my brother and me so I do not take this idiot’s story lightly.

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