Wearable Chair to allow the lazy to sit everywhere – IOTW Report

Wearable Chair to allow the lazy to sit everywhere


Humans are now so permanently sedentary, a company has developed a “wearable chair” that lets you sit down anywhere.

The chair appears to be about as comfortable as a squatty potty and looks absolutely ridiculous, but it lets you stare at your phone in a slightly more convenient way than standing up.

Living the dream!

The chair, which is called LEX and costs $186 dollars, can only support up to 265 pounds of weight, so obese lazy people who are most likely to want to use it won’t be able to.


ht/ wds

25 Comments on Wearable Chair to allow the lazy to sit everywhere

  1. Having both lumbar and cervical spinal nerve problems, plus one knee replacement with another one coming soon, I’d like to have one of these gadgets. However, I’m right at the upper weight limit so I’d want that deluxe heavier version @geoff the aardvark brought up.

    I can see a lot of these sold for the wrong reasons, but for the right reasons they’d be a great help!

  2. No thanks, I’ll pass.

    It sounds like a liberal invention where they are ALL TOO lazy, self-centered and always thinking of themselves.

    If there is a market for the needy…..I will applaud it.

  3. Did you see how wobbly it is? A lot of people are going to fall over and break something. Then, lawsuits. Besides, “sitting is the new smoking.”

    Get up and get moving! (Gets up for a refill…)

  4. PHenry, that is a perfect use for one of those. Loco and I stood for 13 hours by the time it was all said and done. I’d have paid $500.00 for one that day. In fact, I bet I could have sold a truckload of them for $500.00 that day.

  5. @J6
    When I was a kid my school was near Orange Grove and Colorado in Pasadena where the floats turned for the Rose Parade. Friends house was basically there and we sold parking. One space we sold was to a guy who immediately recruited us to sell soft cushioned and backed seats to those on those awful bleachers.

    I was a mini millionaire at 13.

  6. why not just stick a broomstick up your ass & be done w/ it?

    … just cut it off @ the proper height … home depot sells ’em … you can even hire a contractor there to cut if for you, if you are bit ‘woodsmith-challenged’

  7. Millions (if not not tens of millions) suffer with peripheral neuropathy which is when multiple peripheral nerves become damaged which limits the distance of walking and needing to sit (rest).
    I’m all for this device!
    Of course, fortunately, I am not currently of a planet size dimension (standard Walmart customer) or in search of reaching maximum density.

  8. Yes, those lazy octogenarians my wife and I had to wait with for an hour in an airport for the dummytard Viking Cruise Lines people to load on a bouncy-bus would have loved to have lounged about on such devices.


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