Weiner offered job at Moonlite Bunny Ranch – IOTW Report

Weiner offered job at Moonlite Bunny Ranch

CainTV: Anthony Weiner has had a hard time lately. He’s out of a job, his wife’s leaving him, and opportunities for future employment look bleak.  After all, who’s going to want to hire such a liability? Does Weiner really have any marketable skills that would overshadow his online indiscretion?

Well…. Maybe.  He obviously knows how to use Twitter, and if the employer in question isn’t concerned with moral fiber, perhaps he can land a new gig.

As PR Newswire reports, that’s where America’s most famous legal whorehouse comes into play:

Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunny Ranch legal brothel and star of HBO’s “Cathouse” series, is offering former New York congressman Anthony Weiner a full time position as director of social media at his famed Nevada bordello. MORE

20 Comments on Weiner offered job at Moonlite Bunny Ranch

  1. Carlos Danger can be the cleanup guy.
    Or….they can pay him to stand around to watch the customers who want to pretend to be screwing some dude’s wife in front of them (cuckold).

  2. Seriously though, not to defend him, but obviously the dude was not getting enough since huma preferred wrinkly taco to kielbasa. So, why the heck didn’t bill Clinton hook him up with the Lolita express?

    Seriously, someone who hangs around in his circles should be able to satisfy even the most voracious of appetites.

  3. The latest frappola was to take pressure off of Huma (thus, HRC) to talk about her lies to the FBI. The Weiner fell on his sword (so to speak) for the good of the team and will probably be amply rewarded by the Clinton Foundation or by Soros or by Socialist International. Maybe Ambassador to the UN! Or Libya!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. KMM – Bill Clinton didn’t have @twitter so his exploits weren’t nearly so public.

    In fact, if it wasn’t for Drudge, we likely NEVER would have learned about Monica. Remember, a number of other news agencies KNEW about the affair and Drudge scooped them

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