We’re Getting Smaller – IOTW Report

We’re Getting Smaller

Washington Post

First, he [University of Munich economics professor John Komlos] assured us our data weren’t playing tricks. We’re shrinking. Vertically, at least. As a people, Americans were the tallest in the world by the 1800s, propelled by abundant land and cheap food. But today, access to modern medicine does more to determine height than do natural resources.

To pinpoint when everything changed, Komlos suggested that we focus on charting native-born people in prime ages (20 to 49) by birth year. Genetics play a supporting role, but the world you were born into really determines your height. More

The article blames obesity, nutrition and “inequality” for the younger generation being shorter. I blame fitness, processed foods and inflation for millennials not getting enough exercise and eating the wrong things. – Dr. Tar

28 Comments on We’re Getting Smaller

  1. I’m shorter than my mother was and husband is shorter than his father was. We were both fed the 50’s baby formula of pet milk and sugar syrup. Our kids were not and they are taller and both have bigger feet than we do. It’s unnatural infant feeding, at least the Pet Milk diet IMO

  2. and we can blame modern medicine for pushing formula feeding as well–formula companies were allowed to bombard us with diaper bags and pacifiers. don’t get me started! I know its vital for some and at some times when not possible but it was pushed excessively. IDK if it still is

  3. “The article blames obesity, nutrition and “inequality” for the younger generation being shorter. I blame fitness, processed foods and inflation for millennials not getting enough exercise and eating the wrong things. – Dr. Tar”

    Exactly. But at some point during the time span he described mens Testosterone levels dropped like a rock. I don’t think it’s a chicken vs egg thing. I am of the opinion mens Testo got dropped intentionally by a .Gov agency. But I do wear a double X tin foil hat.

  4. yeah I was on the other thread about cholesterol
    I never eat margarine anymore! very bad hydrogenated crap like I can’t believe its not butter–we had relatives who always served it at holidays 🙁

  5. I’m the shortest of my siblings but the same height of my mom. At lease, until she lost 6 inches due to her degenerative disc disease. Then I could kiss the top of her silver helmet head!

  6. I’m sure it has to be due to whatever the hell the gov. has been allowing to be shoved down our throats for the past several decades – Flouride, aspartame, gmo food products, energy drinks, prescription drugs and food additives (European snacks of the same brand have far less additives compared to ours). I can go on and on. *Damn, I didn’t even mention chemtrails..haha.*

  7. Could the influx of immigration from countries with shorter people have anything to do with the “shortening” of America? Were the “native-borne” people in the study similar racially as the 1880s baseline cohort? Doubtful.

  8. Clown World nailed it. The hoards of immigrants from south and Central America and Asia have lowered the average height of Americans. A fact that the authors of the study have conveniently overlooked.


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