WH: Obama undecided on immigration steps – IOTW Report

WH: Obama undecided on immigration steps


LET’S HOPE THIS IS A SIGN THAT SOMEONE THERE IS IN TOUCH WITH REALITY: WH: Obama undecided on immigration steps. “White House officials are downplaying stories that President Obama is prepared to take executive action on immigration that would allow millions of undocumented people to stay in the United States.” Such an action would be an extraconstitutional coup, entirely justifying the impeachment talk.

Actually, it might justify more. I can imagine governors — Rick Perry, perhaps — simply taking matters into their own hands.


image: caveviews

6 Comments on WH: Obama undecided on immigration steps

  1. Obama can’t decide anything until his handlers tell him what to do, and right now, they don’t want him to do a thing. Wait until this all blows over, and quietly let all those illegals just fade into our country.

    I hope Perry DOES tell Obama to go F*CK himself and put the Guard on the border. I hope Brewer does the same.

  2. Preezy thin-skin still holds a grudge because Univision didn’t just kiss his ass like the rest of the media before the election. Now, he’s dealing with latinos like he deals with any other problem: inaction and delay. Amigos, all you’re going to get is passive whining about being powerless, and hatin’ folks, and stuff. When Mooch runs for Senate, remember that.

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