What Christians need most is a good talking-to from people who don’t share their beliefs. – IOTW Report

What Christians need most is a good talking-to from people who don’t share their beliefs.

TheRebel: It’s quite something, isn’t it? The same people who spend this time of year kicking over crèches, expunging Christmas carols, and ensuring no Christian prays in public nevertheless have an ironclad grasp of what Jesus thinks about everything from immigration, to abortion, to gay marriage and guns.


People who wouldn’t dream of calling Caitlyn Jenner “Bruce” or pointing out that he’s not a woman (much less “woman of the year”) are perfectly at ease lecturing adherents of a faith they don’t even follow.

On issue after issue, Christians routinely earn a jolly good spanking for not living up to leftists’ standards or for questioning the supremacy of liberal orthodoxy.  Read more

9 Comments on What Christians need most is a good talking-to from people who don’t share their beliefs.

  1. I’ve never understood the liberal contempt for Christianity. Jesus was called “The Prince of Peace,” which is something all these douchebags profess earnestly to desire. He grew up in modest circumstances, had great affection for a downtrodden prostitute whom he made his special friend, was homeless for the last two years of his life before he was unjustly arrested. After his arrest, he suffered unimaginable police brutality. Pontius Pilate, a weenie of Obaman proportions, could have spared him from an improperly applied death penalty, but didn’t. His “trial, ” such as it was, would not meet the standards of today’s U.S. Constitution.

    You’d think any of this might ring a bell with these losers? Hell no!

  2. Christians have slowly but surely been manipulated into accepting tyranny by “rendering unto Caesar”. Christian “leaders” have long been corrupted by money and power and are no different than the corrupt political class. Jesus’ original teachings have been corrupted to the point they are no longer recognizable (can you say “Constantine”?) The elite of the day have had the Bible rewritten so many times it’s hardly recognizable. Today’s problems cannot be fixed with the state of consciousness that caused them. There is a HUGE difference between religion and spirituality. They are 180 degrees out of phase. Now is the time to listen to and act upon YOUR OWN conscience because if you’re searching for the truth that’s where it lies.

  3. We need a new Great Awakening in America led not by man but by God. Where are the new Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield’s, John Wesley’s etc. at? Only God can help us, man’s efforts are at best futile and will not help except to make things worse. I have no hope in the American church (mostly Protestant and Evangelical, I am not a Catholic) as it’s currently constituted, they’re pathetic and have for the most part forgot about grace and mercy and forgiveness and only want to fill seats to make themselves look good in the eyes of man. God is our only hope not some man telling us what we can or can not do or if we abide by being a goody two shoes Christian with our lousy works we’ll some how make him notice us and he’ll be pleased with us. It doesn’t work that way for me any more. I care far more what God thinks and his will anymore than I do I do just being part of Churchianity. Believe me, I have all the church approved merit badges of being good etc. and they don’t amount to a hill of beans without grace etc. I love God and not the so called for the most part worthless Church of the social gospel in America.

  4. Excellent comment, geoff. There is a local pastor (Bob DeWaay) who writes a newsletter periodically that I subscribe to. He is not perfect but he calls out the people who mishandle scripture in order to promote their version of Christianity. Here is his website: http://cicministry.org/

    Check out the Archives section. One of my favorites is “Providence and Promise” from 2009.

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