What Does a Cruz Path To Victory Look Like? The Math and the Science – IOTW Report

What Does a Cruz Path To Victory Look Like? The Math and the Science

At present, Trump has a 100 delegate lead over Cruz. Here is where things stand:

Conservative Review

9 Comments on What Does a Cruz Path To Victory Look Like? The Math and the Science

  1. If any of that steaming pile of b.s. were actually true the establishment-globalists (you know the ones actually in control of all the candidates except Trump) would have ditched Rubio and Kashich a long time ago.

  2. I think there is a chance for a Cruz victory.
    And the man with the most delegates should be the nominee, and I’ll support that candidate in every way I can in order to defeat Hillary or Bernie.

  3. @Pbunyan, on the other hand it could well be the Trump is encouraging and supporting both of them to stay in the race. I don’t believe Cruz is a candidate of the backroom boys of the GOP and are probably just as scared of him as they are of Trump. Remember that Trump has self-described himself as the master of the deal.

  4. I like the “burning dumpsters” visual aid comment. That’s being kind and truthful in addressing those two clowns who don’t know their circus has already ended.

    I can understand the candidates well enough, but it helps when somebody explains the electoral process in such a logical manner.

    I would like it a lot better if they only counted the votes. And if they gave each voter a “ticket stub” from their ballot so that they could check a big list and make sure that their vote had actually been counted. I believe that would have kept 0bama from forcing his way through the white house door on us.

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