What else would Obama like to ban? – IOTW Report

What else would Obama like to ban?

38 Comments on What else would Obama like to ban?

  1. All dissenters of islam, obamacare, green energy, global warmimg, socialism, black theology, reparations, community organizers, marxism, illegal immigration, anchor babies, islamic refugees, la raza, black panthers, tax increases, socialist control, anti-gunners, athesists, etc., etc.

  2. Of course he wants to ban alligators…and moats, too.

    “They said we need to triple the border patrol. Or now they’ll say we need to quadruple the border patrol. Or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat! They’ll never be satisfied…”–Brack Hussein Obama

  3. Everyone living in the country who loves and understands the principles America was founded on. Who want to preserve it – the Spirit of America, and Americans.

    That whole fundamentally changing the USA thing he dreams about accomplishing.

  4. The Constitution.
    The Bill of Rights.
    The Bible.
    Individual Responsibility.

    izlamo delenda est …

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