What Gaslighters Say – IOTW Report

What Gaslighters Say

An interesting little clip of what those who try to deceive and “gaslight” others often say to their intended targets. Watch

It would be beneficial to all to take note of the common phrases used to gaslight a nation.

27 Comments on What Gaslighters Say

  1. You’re ruled by fear
    I’ve heard that a lot in the last 7 months

    Used in connection with 2nd amendment, immigration
    I’m so crazy by now living with a lib I can’t quickly recall what else

  2. The liberal commies are/have been in a state of endless bullshit where chaos, confusion, obfuscation and distractions are the order of the day, each and every day.
    And….it really works to help keep the masses from zeroing in on their utter BULLSHIT.

  3. The liberal commies are/have been in a state of endless bullshit where chaos, confusion, obfuscation and distractions are the order of the day, each and every day.

    The tools of and the environment evil thrives in.

    The light of truth is an antiseptic. Shine your light whenever needed.

  4. We have only… years left to save the environment. This old canard has been around since earth day and is smells about as fresh as Ira Einhorn’s girlfriend he left in the suitcase (what too soon?).

  5. My resident lib went to Walmart the other day and pulled up next to a really nice pickup, he said, and then he noticed in big gold framed letters on the back window it said F— Biden and if you voted for him F—- you too!

    He was appalled LOL

  6. You’re on the wrong side of history.

    And now, a rant:
    This popular notion that one can be on the wrong side of history is so dripping with arrogance steeped in ignorance that it makes me want to scream, “You bloody fucking idiots! How can you possibly presume to know how future generations will judge what we’ve done and said here today? Do you honestly think you have some sort of monopoly on the cosmic, universal truths that will be honored as pure and righteous forevermore? Well, you don’t. So get over yourselves and shut the fuck up.”

  7. Nnnnn…

    In this day and age of lunatic accusations and insulted microaggressed feelings, I’m not so sure that commonly-used defensive phrases are necessarily indicatations “gaslighting”.

    Which at its core is just lying.

    I have no patience for hair-trigger sensitivities. And this video seems to be addressing more the “interpersonal relationship” gaslighting thing than the “gaslighting” of recent years from outright media propaganda and lies.

    So caution.

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