What Happens When A Black Man Takes Robin DiAngelo’s Course On Being “Less White?” – IOTW Report

What Happens When A Black Man Takes Robin DiAngelo’s Course On Being “Less White?”

Would a black man become more black after taking the same training Coca-Cola was foisting in its employees? Would he become a more enlightened being rising above mere mortals in his understanding of race relations? Or would he find the whole thing a B.S. exercise that’s insulting to his fellow Americans.

Let’s find out. Watch

16 Comments on What Happens When A Black Man Takes Robin DiAngelo’s Course On Being “Less White?”

  1. I would have more respect for those white liberals who are embarrassed about their skin color or who somehow think collective whiteness is the root of all evil and owes the other races just compensation, if they would practice self retribution and just off themselves. Really, anything else is just lip service. If you mean what you say and want cosmic justice, do your part, remove yourself from society. Your very existence eliminates any chance of equity, of a power balance to restore order. Talking about it will not bring about change, calling attention to your white privilege will not bring about change, but a simple action of subtraction will.

    Society will call you a hero, a true devotee, so get on with it forchrisakes.

  2. i’m looking forward to the day when whites like me can whine and stamp our feet about ‘white stereotypes’

    hey, maybe we could lobby to get some non white statues replaced w/ statues of whites. dare i hope for special positive treatment and even $ reparations?

  3. Love this kid. He’s absolutely correct, but he may be missing the true purpose for the “Less White” training camp sessions.

    The “training” sessions are a tactic to destroy individual autonomy in order to indoctrinate the most powerful people group on Earth with socialist doctine.

    This tactic has been implemented for decades in U.S. public schools. However, progressives are obsessed with making sure socialist doctrine is used to manipulate employees, threatening their employment if they don’t comply.
    A sadistic way to keep socislism front and center for relentless control.

  4. You should drink that surplus bleach. Bitch. We are REALLY tired of hearing this crap. Reading that will only encourage you. Why? Because you’re the fucking moron that whos family members hesitate having a family gathering because YOU might show up.


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