What is George Will’s Problem? – IOTW Report

What is George Will’s Problem?

American Thinker: In reading George Will’s recent column (“The Difference between Trumpism and fascism”), I was struck by a few things: his elitist anti-Trump tone, his denigration of the President’s supporters and his lack of understanding of Donald Trump’s appeal. The thing which struck me most, however, was not a failure to know the past, but his inability to apply the lessons of history to the present. He recites the basics of the history of fascism while completely missing how that history applies to the current situation.

What is it about Donald Trump that so offends George Will? Does the President fail Will’s ideological purity test? Is it the tweeting? Is it that most of Donald Trump’s supporters probably never subscribed to National Review? Or is it something as petty as the recognition that most of the President’s supporters are not members of the elites? They don’t belong to the country clubs that so-called Republicans like George Will belong to, and probably prefer it that way.

It is interesting that in his recitation of the history of fascism, Mr. Will fails to see the obvious: that the historical circumstances that shaped it and the ideological theories which Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and others believed in, apply not to Donald Trump and his followers but to the very people who are trying to defeat the President and lead this country down a destructive path of rigid intellectual, economic, and social control.

One difference between the 20th century fascists and that of today is that the left has bypassed the brownshirt phase and gone straight to black. You don’t see Trump supporters attacking the police. You don’t see them burning down precinct houses or churches. Trump rallies are festivals of optimism and love of country. Their opponents, Antifa and BLM, by contrast, are the blackshirted shock troops of the counterrevolution. The leaders of the Democrat party have chosen to use these shock troops as tools to regain the power they lost when Donald Trump was elected President. The violence and destruction unleashed in this country is of no consequence to them in their quest to regain that power.

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h/t systematically confused.

31 Comments on What is George Will’s Problem?

  1. “What is George Will’s Problem?”

    His problem is that PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump exposed him as what he was and always will be…a bedwetting smug little bastid!

  2. His opinions are not really worthy of spending much energy thinking about. Mostly derivative and the presentation condescending.

    I don’t appreciate his appeal

  3. After Obama was elected, this POS held a huge dinner party at his toty Chevy Chase pad for all the GOPe.

    Would it surprise you if I told you some of the guests were Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and David Brooks. The theme was man that Obama sure is a uniter.

    That’s your fucking George Will. This year he and Kristol have said they’re both voting Biden. Just HTF does that make any sense? And bet your ass, Krauthammer, who never missed a chance to give President Trump some digs, would be too.

  4. Brilliant spot-on article.

    By disemboweling George Will, the writer pretty much describes the entire Country Club wing and Never Trump wing of the party.

  5. To quote from “THE ROAD” He has been a Ronny hating COLLECTIVIST for 30 years.

    Some conservatives said George was a Commie 30 years ago. I disagree. He is and always has been an anti capitalist “collectivist”!

    Hayek is , in America, the most well known of Ludwig’s gang. His book was required reading for Econ undergrads 60 years ago. I think it is passe today. but if you want to know what George is, and has been, read The Road to Serfdom. Will is what its all about!

  6. George Will has been a charter member of the elite pompous ass media club for years. He dropped his principles for money long ago.
    When they bought Will, he stays bought. Being a patriot or supporting the US has never crossed his mind.

  7. Will is so deep in the swamp and so far up the elitists’ rumps he can’t see or think clearly.
    Trump is an outsider and how dare he upset the royal line of succession!
    Well, you know what? No one cares what George Will thinks or says except the left wing loons and Jeb.

  8. He’s old and getting older. His influence in conservative circles is growing less each day and as his audience shrinks he gets more and more frustrated that no one is listening and that the campaign to destroy Trump has failed miserably. I suspect that a conservative victory in November by Trump (which would include not only his re-election but regaining Congress and increasing majority in the Senate) would see the retiring from public life of Will as well as a number of other vocal RINO’s.

  9. But….but….George Will loves the great American pastime of baseball. Whenever CBS runs a George Will story, they always include a big segment about how much this little squint loves the game of baseball. That’s after he runs down President Trump. I remember how he gushed over Baracky Osmidgen, comparing him to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. What a worthless piece of witless wimpatude George Will has revealed himself to be since he turned his coat.

  10. I had a friend that used to send me George Will articles. I asked for them to stop at least twelve years ago. Trump didn’t change Will, just exposed his elitism to more people now that he can focus his disdain directly onto half the country.

  11. Though he doesn’t name him by name, it was Will whom Sowell had in mind when he gave an interview on “the vulgar pride of intellectuals”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wln6lNTxVpY

    Funny thing, though. The interview took place well before Trump arrived on the scene and Sowell — himself one of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th/21st C.’s — was also one of the 22 who published the NR’s anti-Trump issue and who to this day disdains the low brow Trump.

    I think, just as those who are inured to their insulated circle of colleagues, interviewers, friends and publishers, they are so completely sealed off from the rest of society as it exists that they (even Sowell) will never really understand the daily reality of the average Trump voter.

    If Sowell can’t understand Trump and his appeal, there’s no hope for the Wills and the Kristols of the world.

  12. George is the epitome of the deep state. “We know what is best for you. We are willing to let the commies take over rather than let someone on the right win because that person isn’t ours”


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