What Media Bias? – IOTW Report

What Media Bias?

ht/ chabanais

13 Comments on What Media Bias?

  1. May 10: Trump holds a closed-door meeting with the Russian foreign minister and Moscow’s ambassador to the U.S. at the White House. American news media are not invited to the meeting, but a Kremlin-friendly news agency from Russia is present.

    May 15: The Washington Post reports that Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russians in the closed-door meeting. Other news outlets including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times confirm the report.

    May 15: The White House says the Post report is false, without specifying which parts are incorrect. “I was there. He didn’t do it,” says national security advisor H.R. McMaster, who refuses to take questions.

    May 16: Trump says on Twitter that he did give the Russians information for counterterrorism purposes, noting that he has the “absolute right” to do so. He neither confirms nor denies whether the information he revealed was classified.

  2. If things had turned out differently last November, the LSM’s headlinw could have been “Clinton sells highly classified information to Russian diplomats.” But the Clinton cover-up machine, aka most of the media, would never report this.

  3. The networks are scaring old ladies and progressives, liberals, and the low IQ crowd. The liberal newspapers they read are scaring them. The poor dears believe TV and news papers. Even Congress is getting in on the Trump scare.

    How in the world can this coordinated attempt to bring down the government be exposed?

    A shake up at the White house, only Trump supporters need apply, might help.

  4. The assault on this Administration will never stop until Trump is impeached and removed from office then Pence, then then then. My country is in peril.

  5. This Texan Has Had Enough MAY 18, 2017 AT 10:30 AM
    The assault on this Administration will never stop until Trump is impeached…..
    This will stop when Trump starts prosecuting the traitors in the gov’t, the press and hollywood.

  6. @This Texan Has Had Enough May 18, 2017 at 10:30 am

    > The assault on this Administration will never stop until Trump is impeached and removed from office

    If you believe that that places

    > My country … in peril

    then your country is in danger, indeed.

    “Michael Richard Pence” didn’t become a lawyer, to become a governor, to become “Mike Pence, Vice President of The United States of America” to ruffle the feathers of The Golden Goose. For better or worse, he’s no Jeb Bush. He’s not even an Ivanka Trump.

    If you want your President to rule securely, you’d have to replace his successor with someone who those that call him enemy hold in even greater dread than himself.

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