What “New Light” Does This New Revelation Shed On Michael Brown Case? – IOTW Report

What “New Light” Does This New Revelation Shed On Michael Brown Case?

If there is a “new light” it’s worse for Michael Brown.

Never-before-seen Michael Brown footage sheds new light on case and suggests he did NOT rob the store before being shot dead by Ferguson police but was involved in a drug deal with the clerks.


  • Filmmaker Jason Pollock has obtain a new video of Michael Brown, which features in his new documentary Stranger Fruit.
  • The clip, was has not been seen by the public before, shows the teenager in the hours before his fatal shooting on August 9, 2014.
  • Brown, who was accused of robbing a convenience store, can be seen at the same shop shortly after 1 am.
  • In the video, he seems to give employees a small bag, which Pollock says was weed that he traded for cigarillos.
  • The clip appears to show Brown leaving his items with the clerks at the counter.
  • His mother believes the video shows there was an understanding between Brown and the employees at the stores.
  • County police said the footage wasn’t released because it was not relevant to the investigation .

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4305354/Video-sheds-new-light-Michael-Brown-case.html#ixzz4b7KrUCwD
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21 Comments on What “New Light” Does This New Revelation Shed On Michael Brown Case?

  1. Oh.. who cares? He’s just one less dickhead that we taxpayers have to support. Either with his prison sentences or his illegitimate children. Good riddance! His *parents* are sooo sad. Maybe they should have kicked his ass more often, and cared who his friends were and what they were doing.

  2. ‘They destroyed Michael’s character with the tape, and they didn’t show us what actually happened,’ Pollock told the New York Times.
    Umm, no. That was MB’s only achievement. He did that all by himself in attempt to strong arm LEO and grab his gun. Full stop. End of story.

    Mizz McFadden needs to go back to beatin’ down fam members selling t-shirts. Her 15 min and $$$ profit are all but done. Of course this “documentary” will be released on Netflix’s just like White Helmuts, as the truth.

  3. Well, see, there’s no evidence that he ever had a puppy … and … and …
    black lies matter … and … stuff …
    See? Ya gottzta unnerstand it’s like … y’know? St. Michael’s a hero, and shit.
    And his executional death at the hands of “the Man” is proof that he’s a kristlike figure, and shit … y’know? See what I’m sayin?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’ve found it generally the true that the moment a documentary filmmaker starts calling the subject by his/her first name you can be sure it’s slanted toward the them. It makes no difference to his threatening the clerk and I wonder whether it was the same clerk and it certainly makes no difference to his assaulting with intent to kill a police office and refusing repeated calls to stop. Unfortunately trying to find a documentarian who will present the unvarnished, non liberal biased truth these days is next to impossible.

  5. Doesn’t matter what he did before attacking the police officer and running at him to attack him again.

    He wasn’t shot for any other reason.

    That video showed he uses violence with others. It still does.

    Any other points of information about his life won’t change those facts.

    He was a violent thug that met his end from his violent ways.

  6. I still have to wonder… Why did they autopsy thug Mike Brown like, 5 times, but in violation of Texas law, they never performed an autopsy on Anton Scalia, a sitting SCOTUS justice?

    How does that work?

  7. I want to see all the 0bamaphone video of him assaulting office Darren Wilson. White cop rolls up in the projects and not a SINGLE VIDEO of the altercation? These people have their phones on 24 hours a friggin day. That’s because we know what it’d show.

  8. Doesn’t this make people, who previously knew nothing about his low character, aware that he was a thug. All that any clueless, fake-news, Lib knows about this case is that he was gunned down with his hands up.

  9. Easy peasy. POTUS wanted Scalia dead so Queen Hillary could accelerate making SCOTUS a joke. A dangerous destructive one.
    The only one who wanted Big Peaceful Mike dead, was the LEO he tried to kill.
    Thus no autopsy and quick funeral in the first case. In the second case – delayed burial and multiple autopsies to keep the riot fires burning. It doesn’t take a lot to keep the closed minded and the stupid brain washed agitated. And it takes time for the Soros employee bus to reach each target city.

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