‘What planet are you from!?’ – IOTW Report

‘What planet are you from!?’

37 Comments on ‘What planet are you from!?’

  1. The obvious choice is Uranus because everyone is going to take it up their ass with all the tranny freaks claiming that they’re women and should be allowed to participate in women’s sports. Cue the Twilight Zone theme, next stop unhinged madness.

  2. “Alien Ant Farm
    The idea that humans could have been placed on the earth by aliens to be observed, in the same way that humans create ant farms (in other words, humans are the aliens’ “ant farm”). This concept was Terry Corso’s inspiration to propose the name “Alien Ant Farm” for his band.
    Think about it, man – aliens could be constantly observing us, like we’re living in some alien ant farm…”


  3. President Trump should set up a fund of his own for girls denied a scholarship because the Biden administration forced them to compete against biological males. It could probably be funded annual through crowd sourcing.

  4. DAMN SCIENCE DENIERS!!! What the fuck is wrong with biden?!!?
    There are, is, and will only ever be 2 sexes- male & female.

    There’s no such things are chicks with dicks!
    There is only dude’s with boobs!

    And a dude with boobs will almost always out perform a female in the same sport… it’s a dude!

  5. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    To quote Porn for Pyros

    Will there be another race
    To come along and take over for us?
    Maybe martians could do
    Better than we’ve done
    We’ll make great pets!

  6. @SNS (I don’t know how to make it upside down and backward)

    We are an ant farm. We are being observed by aliens-Angels. They are watching to see what we do with the knowledge of God. God is proving to them that His creation can and will love and obey Him without being forced to.

  7. Could you feel the malice this guy had towards the Senator? Almost as if “hurry up because I’m in no matter what you say.”

    While polls are correct that a majority of Americans DO NOT support transgender athletes being allowed to compete, but rather using biological sex as the determining factor of where and how to compete. But I ask this to everyone who didn’t vote for DJT: do you really expect Democrats to listen to you and to consider your opinions on any matter?

    Democrats have made it clear since the days of BHO: they are going to fundamentally change not only the country, but the Constitution. In order to do that, you don’t care about due process, opinions or hearings. All you care about is the end goal. Create a political fire line and destroy anyone who attempts to cross it. We have witnessed this for over a decade and the GOP and any so-called “moderate” truly believes they can negotiate with political terrorists.

    This is a radical branch of government that doesn’t care about negotiation. They don’t care about your kids, your business, or your aspirations. You are either a cog in their machine, or an obstacle to be destroyed. If you haven’t woken up to this reality, you better do so soon.

  8. @Nufftin-right, that guy was just creepy. It is not only animosity towards Senator Paul, it is utter contempt for us. I can’t imagine being a parent of a girl injured in an encounter with her transgendered teammate, and then having to sit at talk to this creature.

  9. Aliens do not want anything to do with earthlings. They see how igorant and self destructive we are. Earth is mankinds last ditch effort to save the planet, we don’t have any time left. If you’re a believer, there’s nothing to fear. I hope I am not around to see its destruction, we cannot comprehend what’s coming.

  10. Any and All of those that are promoting the “Cancel Culture”, have deemed themselves part of the “Self Appointed Ruling Class”.
    Does the Swamp recruit, or do they volunteer?
    They have the Swamp and MSM supporting them.

  11. I’ll trot out my proposed solution again: Replace the current Men/Boys and Women/Girls distinctions with XY and XX divisions, respectively. Ignore the participants’ imaginary “gender” claims and do a very simple DNA test. XYs compete only with other XYs, and XXs compete only with other XXs.

    There are a few anomalous chromosomal variants but they amount to much less than 1% of the population, and those could be handled as individual special cases without much effort.

  12. Post from a friend yesterday regarding this:
    “Just to give you an idea of how ridiculous this is. My son as a Junior in High School would have been a women’s world champion 400 meter runner. He would have been the second fastest all time woman to an East German in 1979.”

    To which someone commented ‘That’s fast!’. His response: “He finished 17th in the state of California that year.”

  13. I just wanted to say something about covid deaths.

    I presume many of you know that they changed the way deaths are tallied right when covid came along. They changed it especially for covid. It used to be ‘died from’. They changed it to ‘died with’. And the new way became the way they filled out death certificates.

    Well a study has found that under the old way of coding, that had been in place for many years, there were only 25 thousand covid deaths through the third week of jan 2021. Under the new way, that they implemented especially for covid, there were over 400 thousand listed as dying from covid.

    The cdc made this change and the article alleges that they did not have the legal authority to make this change in how deaths are coded.

    Will anybody in congress or the media investigate? No. Including and especially republican congressmen.

    you can read about it here:

  14. Pure Satanism.
    The idea is to wrench us from our moorings – societal and religious.
    No one is dumb enough to actually believe that a biological male can be changed into a biological female – that isn’t the point – the point is to force society to doubt. Doubt what is known, doubt a million years of experience, and doubt God – and to put all faith, trust, and allegiance in the Party. Only the Party can determine what is, and what isn’t, real.
    Science must be formulated on the basis of Party Doctrine in order to have meaning – the old “scientific method” is outdated and meaningless – hence, the Globaloney Climate Change Hoax and the Gender Fluidity Hoax. They don’t care how many are destroyed – in fact – they celebrate each person destroyed by their machinations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. I posted a couple days ago that when I was in grade school in the 1960’s I recognized ulterior motivation in proposing that 2+2 does not necessarily equal 4. I refused to cooperate and go along to get along.

    This is where they were going and a Goddamned third grader could recognize it. Seventy years of Critical Theory has brought us to the point that a critical mass is willing to accept the patently absurd in order not to be “cancelled.”


    PJW explains the dynamic in play and does it quite well in these two clips


  16. @UncleAl
    In HR circles, there is a move afoot to remove all identifying information from resumes, that is:
    Names-could be used to indicate gender or ethnicity
    Addresses-could be used to determine class or ethnicity
    Education-could be used to determine gender, class, ethnicity, etc.
    Pretty soon when the un-gendered, non-ethnic candidates show up, it will be easy for the HR recruiter to make a decision, based entirely on their own biases!
    Ta-da, and there you have it.
    Systemic Whatever, blah, blah, blah

  17. (On discussing Caesar’s death and the potential political aftermath)

    “THIRD PLEBEIAN Has he, masters?
    I fear there will a worse come in his place.”


  18. I detest the invented nonsensical term “cis-gender”. That said, to circumvent this idiocy, schools etc. could stop dividing stuff up by “male” and “female” and just re-divide up sports, restrooms, and so forth with “cis-gender female” and “male or not cis-gender female”.

  19. (On discussing Caesar’s death and the potential political aftermath)

    “THIRD PLEBEIAN Has he, masters?
    I fear there will a worse come in his place.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act 3, Scene 2


  20. But Mr PINKO they don’t want FAIR, they don’t want opportunity.
    They clearly want to destroy whatever exists. They want to celebrate their deviancy. They want to vandalize America.

    And they DEMAND that we accept it.

    “Letting it all hang out” is not enough. Now they have to stick it in your face and rub it in.

  21. This Democrat asshole is from the 7th planet in our Solar System. It’s fitting because it’s Planet Uranus.

    All I could think of while watching that was “but everyone knows that the machinery of Socialism is oiled by the blood of the citizens”

  22. He sits there smiling, well-attired, educated, and makes his appeal to civil rights. This man is a devil and would have you rounded-up and gassed while appealing to “science” and “rights” and “greater good.” It’s happened before.

    The assault from the Left is upon God’s created order, in every thing and in every way. These people are so lawless that they are proposing that a person does not even have to obey and submit to their own biology.

  23. Have you noticed that none of these freaks want to compete in girls synchronized swimming, ice dancing, figure skating or women’s acrobatics? Maybe a full split on a balance beam would solve some of these problems.

  24. @Nufftin and Tim – Exactly!
    Great comments.

    Socialist oligarchy want to deconstruct, eliminate Judeo-Christian societal structure (that supports actual science), annihilate any opposition, while implementing satanic doctrine through centralized statist government.

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