What the Hell Happened? – IOTW Report

What the Hell Happened?

23 Comments on What the Hell Happened?

  1. This change to public filth is what happened in Germany after WWI, especially in Berlin, the most perverted city in Europe. A defeated country was taken over and controlled by the most vile people on earth–in every aspect of German culture. This is evidence that they are doing it here in the US and have been at it for decades. Christian morality is the most hated ideology by those most vile and what they want most destroyed.

  2. Gays intimidated the Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder, NOT by scientific evidence, by coersion. From then it’s been a downhill tumble towards hell.

    Remember when SETTLED SCIENCE was so important to liberals? Not so much when it doesn’t fit their agenda.

  3. Hollywood normalized it. Kinsey normalized it. Many psych types go into the practice because they are nuts to begin with, so they normalized it. The devil made them do it.

  4. Like I have long said: Never concede “good intentions” to the progressive movement, it is never warranted to do so. Progressivism is a wicked and evil world view that is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    What the hell happened is all too clear. Good people were too cowardly to call out wickedness in the very soul of the diabolical nature of progressivism.

  5. Use to be a time when the worst of the worst lawyers were chasing ambulances and sitting in Emergency rooms. Now that’s all upside down too — they’re the ones making the most money! We’ve became a nation that feeds the parasites and feeds them well!

  6. It ain’t “left v. right”
    It ain’t “liberal v. conservative”
    It ain’t “black v. white”
    It ain’t “latino v. everybody else”
    It ain’t “rat-people v. America”

    It is an epochal, generational, extension of the antediluvian cosmic war between Good and Evil – between Man’s Fall and Man’s Redemption – between Righteousness and Mendacity.
    The “Father of All Lies” (whether a distinct being or some manifestation of Man’s consciousness) leads us down the path to Perdition – the rejection of God.


    Yep … Sin … it still exists, even if we pretend it doesn’t.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The ideological foundations of Western descent into decadence were set up in the 19th century, and if you want to point to a specific event that represents the deliberate implementation of policies of moral erosion you won’t do much better than the formation in Britain of the Fabian Society in January of 1884.

    The Fabians’ publicly stated aim was to implement socialism / left-collectivism by means of a “long march through the institutions.” An early milestone for them was establishing the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1895.

  8. “If you want to see what God HATES, all you have to do is look and see what the World LOVES, (celebrates, promotes, and even protects by special legislation). If you want to see what God LOVES, all you have to do is look and see what the World HATES.

    What does the World HATE more than anything else? —white Christians who have the audacity to preserve their faith, bloodlines, and heritage. What does the World Love? —everything that God called an abomination: race-mixing, homo-perversion, pedophilia, corruption, defilement, immorality, free sex without boundaries, eating of unclean animals, drunkenness, interfaith, multiculturalism, etc., etc., etc.”

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