What Went Around for Steve Bannon Is About to Come Around for Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

What Went Around for Steve Bannon Is About to Come Around for Hunter Biden

Fox News

Now, however, the team [of lawyers representing Hunter Biden] is moving in a far more precarious direction. They seem to be adopting the strategy of Steve Bannon that resulted in his conviction for contempt of Congress. [Hunter’s Attorney Abbe] Lowell categorically refused to turn over material to Congress this week, leaving his client open to a subpoena and possible prosecution. The move may have thrilled hardcore Democrats, but it is the Republicans who should be most ecstatic with Hunter’s initial position.

Lowell has declared the oversight investigation in the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling as illegitimate and has refused to turn over records related to its investigation. In a letter to House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), Lowell declared “Peddling your own inaccurate and baseless conclusions under the guise of a real investigation, turns the Committee into ‘Wonderland’ and you into the Queen of Hearts shouting, ‘sentence first, verdict afterwords.’” Turnabout

14 Comments on What Went Around for Steve Bannon Is About to Come Around for Hunter Biden

  1. Like father, like son, junior, Crackhead loser!
    Save Trump? LOL Oh you gottem now huh 6 years, corrupt politicans, corrupt fbi, corrupt democrats party, corrupt justice dept, and the deep state… Nothing to save Trump from. LOL you would have had him by now. LMAO He IS perhaps the MOST HONEST MAN politician in Washington DC and that says alot. Save from nothing , you got nothing LOL

  2. Obama was figure head for the Chicago Democrat machine and represented their interests. The Chicago Democrat machine and the Chicago mob are partners in crime. When they went looking for a running mate, of course The Biden family and their northeastern mob connections were attractive to them.


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