What’d I Miss? Update me- I haven’t had internet access since 1pm – IOTW Report

What’d I Miss? Update me- I haven’t had internet access since 1pm


31 Comments on What’d I Miss? Update me- I haven’t had internet access since 1pm

  1. Dang, if he says he was down, he was down. Been here for a while. Never seen or read the guy lie. Further more if his home connection is down I personally wouldn’t expect him to run to Star Bucks. He probably has other shit to do.

  2. Au contraire, Brad.

    There was an entire week about 2 months ago when my internet was down every day from 12pm to around 7pm.

    Pollo Tropical was getting sick of my face, milking a Tropichop for hours.

  3. Moe Tom has changed his Moniker to Temperance Tom. And MJA now advocates for NOW. Other than that. All’s the same.
    Oh! And Bad Brad thinks the Brady Bill may have some merit. Said he’d shoot anyone who disagrees.

  4. “Pollo Tropical was getting sick of my face, milking a Tropichop for hours.”

    Honestly I love you dude, but I really don’t want to know what that is. I assume it has something to do with chicken beaks.

  5. Internet being down is better than acting really, really weird, like ever since the attack on Thursday morning. Especially on this website. If I hadn’t have lost my tinfoil hat, I’d be freaking out about now.

  6. The first time I had wifi at home it went off during the third day. Later on someone told me they go off all the time. You just turn it off and back on and it resets. (Most of the time)
    It took four hours before I tried that. What a dumbass.

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