What’s An Infantile Idiot Doing In College? – IOTW Report

What’s An Infantile Idiot Doing In College?

A student enrolled at University of California-Riverside had his MAGA hat stolen by a classmate who then stood there and try to justify the theft as some sort of blow against genocide.

The SJW was finally talked into returning the hat by administrators who didn’t respond with the proper SJW virtue signal of agreement that would be condoned the theft.


Rip a Che’ shirt off a campus radical or take the flag back before they have a chance to burn it and just see how reasonable the liberal students and administration are towards your action.

23 Comments on What’s An Infantile Idiot Doing In College?

  1. Apparently, she has successfully completed the UC Riverside curriculum in how to use the F word as a substitute for verbs, adverbs and nouns while simultaneously disregarding all logic and reason.

    Any takers on a bet that she gets loads of federal aid for college from the taxpayers of a country she openly despises?

  2. I did not see a single person in that video that was not completely retarded. The administrators using their conflict resolution training was especially entertaining.
    Why didn’t the guy just yank one of those genocidal ear rings off the side of her head and call it even?

  3. “What’s An Infantile Idiot Doing In College ?”

    what did you expect her parents to do with her once she graduated high school ?
    they didn’t want her living in their basement, so they threw her out into the world for us to deal with.

  4. Fuck your laws, at that point as long as they did not apply I would have beat her to a pulp. The law did not apply according to her. The college must have and excellent course if the proper use of vulgarity. Also I really liked all of the ass kissers just standing around doing nothing. If she was born here her speech pattern sure sounds like she just crossed the border nd is on a scholarship program.

  5. Used to be someone exhibiting this behavior was an automatic Anger Management candidate because it was considered a borderline personality disorder, i.e. mental illness.

  6. What is this idiot doing in college? It is either majoring in ‘Education’,’Journalism’ or ‘gender studies’! Even some idiots have money (or can get huge sums from Uncle Sam) and the college administrators lust after that money hence they set up the three ‘idiot studies programs’ to access that money!

  7. Fuck your laws. That is what she said. She has her own.
    And she threatened him with violence.
    But she ran to the college admin building to have them ‘back her up’
    That means she has decided laws do not apply to her.
    So, theft from Poor Lazlo comes with a beating with a stick. That is my law.
    I would leave this dyke a gibbering mass of cane welts, and see how she likes MY laws

  8. Fuck your laws. That is what she said. She has her own.
    And she threatened him with violence.
    But she ran to the college admin building to have them ‘back her up’
    That means she has decided laws do not apply to her.
    So, theft from Poor Lazlo comes with a beating with a stick. That is my law.
    I would leave this dyke a gibbering mass of cane welts, and see how she likes MY laws

  9. My MAGA hat is pink & if some lesbo freak pulled it off my head I would beat her ass. I would go, literally, hog wild. Not to mention hubster. She’d be leaving in an ambulance.

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