What’s in Obama’s Trade Deal? Higher Costs For U.S. Healthcare, That’s What – IOTW Report

What’s in Obama’s Trade Deal? Higher Costs For U.S. Healthcare, That’s What


The draft text includes provisions that could make it extremely tough for generics to challenge brand-name pharmaceuticals abroad. Those provisions could also help block copycats from selling cheaper versions of the expensive cutting-edge drugs known as “biologics” inside the U.S., restricting treatment for American patients while jacking up Medicare and Medicaid costs for American taxpayers.


ht/ just the tip

6 Comments on What’s in Obama’s Trade Deal? Higher Costs For U.S. Healthcare, That’s What

  1. Oh that’s just great. My insulin costs $258 per month. For one 10 mililiter vial. NO GENERIC.

    And now I’m upset.
    I’m gonna go stare at pictures of chocolate cake.

  2. Higher costs for U.S. health care: true

    But as major as that is, the important thing to keep in mind about this “trade” deal is that it cuts out U.S. legislators from future agreements with other countries, and expands the nature of those agreements to include what up to now have been the basis for treaties. But the critically important aspect is that it provides the mechanism for collectivist and progressive and Marxist autocrats and bureaucrats to put into place whatever they want in the way of controls, prohibitions, and ripoffs.

  3. Mary Jane, I’m in the same boat… last month I got 3 vials, had to pay $90 and Blue Cross paid $636 for the rest of it. When I went on insulin 9 years ago, it was less than $150 a vial. Are you still eating sweets? I asked first. Do-dah, do-dah.

  4. Higher costs for pharmaceuticals.
    Higher costs for food.
    Unaccountable oligarchs in control of trade.
    America becoming MORE subservient to foreigners.
    Open borders.

    How else does one repay $20 Trillion?
    Ask Germany.

    Basically, the END of America as a Republic of Free Men.

    AND we’re being sold out by our own “elected” oligarchs.

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