When it comes to electing Hillary, objectifying women is a-okay – IOTW Report

When it comes to electing Hillary, objectifying women is a-okay


Patriot Retort:

Hillary Clinton has decided to double-down on her attacks over Donald Trump supposedly objectifying women.

The porn actress who was the first Miss Universe after Trump bought the pageant has become Hillary’s Poster Girl for what a terrible, rotten guy Donald Trump is when it comes to women.

Funny. I would think Juanita Broaddrick or Paula Jones would have been a better choice for the Poster Girl for Misogynistic Creeps, but then again, that wouldn’t have helped Hillary.

What seems to escape Hillary’s supposedly brilliant mind is that by using this Alicia Machado as a bludgeon with which to beat Trump, she is, in fact, objectifying her.

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4 Comments on When it comes to electing Hillary, objectifying women is a-okay

  1. The ongoing voyage of the Titanic is full steam ahead, with the most qualified to be leader captain on the bridge, Leftenant Clinton. In her Misogynistic slant on anyone she cannot munch carpet, she is blindly impeded to danger ahead. Sure Hilly, drag out the Argentina slut ho and take her around the block for a spin. You will get some superb mileage from that, and photo ops too. Fully completes your image of ‘FOUL and ROTTEN to your STINKING CORE’.

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