When The Left’s Worldview is Rebuked They Get Violent – IOTW Report

When The Left’s Worldview is Rebuked They Get Violent

Democrats Prepare for Violent Revolution


The Democrats, in the 2016 Presidential Election, lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin when it came to the Electoral College.  While California became bluer, the realization that the Democrats are losing grip on their transformational agenda in the rest of the country has slammed the leftists square in the face.  The disarray and civil war the liberal leftists accused the GOP of being capable of over that last eight years is now a reality for the Democrat Party.  They have revealed too much of who they really are, and America has rejected their socialism, their divisive class warfare, and their unwillingness to protect the United States against enemies who want to destroy our way of life.

The liberal left utopia, however, is more than merely an ideology.  For the American Left it is a religion.  They hate any opposition, and are willing to do whatever it takes to either win over their opposition, or silence and eliminate their opposition.  We saw this to be true during the 2016 Election.  The tactics of street warfare, and something way beyond mudslinging, were disturbing.

The GOP has always feared direct confrontation with the leftist Democrats because they believe the rhetoric about the swing voters, and how easy it is for the Republicans to anger those voters, and lose them.  The problem is, the conventional wisdom they have always believed is a bunch of poppycock.  That’s one of the reason Trump’s win was such a surprise.  He rejected that kind of strategy, which has always led to either putting a Democrat in office, or a very weak Republican in office.  Trump’s brand of politics is something different.  He has taken strong stances on hardcore issues, and won’t budge when under attack by the Left.

Historically, the liberal left Democrats have always accused their right-wing opposition of being paranoid, Bible-clinging, gun-toting conspiracy theorists.  Now, it’s the liberals who are suddenly worried, and stockpiling food, guns, and emergency supplies.  Trump’s 2016 win was a wake-up call.  Their cheating, lying and violence was not enough to stop the man, and his very unorthodox approach to politics.

Rather than looking within, however, the liberal left have decided the problem is that they were too nice, and now they need to fight Trump, and the Republicans, every inch of the way.


ht/ annie


14 Comments on When The Left’s Worldview is Rebuked They Get Violent

  1. The only thing the left have been clinging on is
    their holly weird, their lame stream media,
    and their EBT and Union cards.
    Kind of hard to eat plastic when the world
    goes to shit.

    Let’s see how that works out for them.

  2. Whom do they think may have the ultimate resolve?

    Those who want free sh…tuff, or those who took an oath (not a mere promise) to: …support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;…

  3. The left growing up, Band Camp (sorry Mr Pinko), Humanities Classes, Lefty protests with their professors, etc etc.

    The Right growing up, Duck Blinds, Gun Ranges, Trap Shooting, Deer Hunting, Deer Field dressing, weight training, Wrestling Clinics. That’s my daughter. They don’t want to meet my sons.
    Had a couple FLAMING guys walk into the shop Tuesday. Told me they were told if they purchased directly from the manufacturer they wouldn’t need to register their guns or go thru the back ground check. I told them they had us confused with the Gun Show Loop Hole and that there was a gun show on 1-7 at Cal Expo. They should go there and they could buy all the unregistered guns they want. They were excited. Almost wish I was there.

  4. Bad_Brad you are so naughty!

    The possibility of them stumbling into a B(ATF)E sting is quite real and they might all be spending years in prison.

    Stupidity is its own punishment, but it will also supply some justice after they made being a firearms owner in California such a pain by their voting for the leftist scum that defile Sacramento.

  5. Braden, The flip side of that is what if they were a couple CalDoj plants trying to get me to do something illegal. It’s happened before. Last year I had some goof ball walk in the shop offering me $250.00 to mill his 80% lower. I laughed and asked him what agency he worked for. He smiled a walked out.

  6. Hey you Snowflakes, you on the Left,
    I named my baton Lenny.
    Lenny and I go everywhere together.
    Come and meet Lenny. He like new friends.
    I carry Lenny’s friend, Moses, the Law Giver, The Judge.
    Just in case Lenny thinks you’re a bad guy.

  7. > America has rejected their socialism, their divisive class warfare, and their unwillingness to protect the United States against enemies

    That depends on what your definition of America is. Square footage? Square footage doesn’t vote (work, nor offer up taxes). But maybe you could say the majority of America’s square footage is thinking about supporting communism less fervently. Voters? A number so close to half, as to be insignificant, thought Hillary Clinton was a better choice than Donald Trump. Distilled wealth (“the 1%”)? Look at who they elect where they live. Aggregate wealth? I haven’t checked. Somebody offer me a multi-year, multi-million dollar grant, and I’ll “study” it for you. Maybe you deplorably benighted livestock can guess the local conditions.

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