Management Accused Them Of Cheating Because They Were Too Productive, So They Decided To Do The Bare Minimum At Work.

Twisted Sifter:
I’ve heard stories like this before…
People who do really well at their jobs and go above and beyond, just to have some dumb boss try to cut them down for doing TOO GOOD of a job.
Weird, huh?
A good friend of mind, that is very laid back and hard to motivate, got a job with the city water department.
Others on the job told him to slow down and don’t make waves, (no pun intended).
He finally got so bored he quit.
I posted this video before. It[s 3 hours. I know impossible, but Joe Justice who worked at Tesla and most other auto manufacturers details how Tesla has no hierarchy. Everyone works off a board with a list of tasks. Everyone tries to improve production. The growth rate of Tesla is absolutely staggering. Tesla is almost to the point where their cars are going to be a sideline, even though they grew production from 0 to 1,000,000 in 8 years, to 2,000,000 in 2 years and almost 4,000,000 a year later with a stated goal of 10,000,000 by 2030.
There are places where management isn’t stupid, but as Joe Justice covers, they are rare.
Tesla even has an LFP battery with an expected life of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 miles. You can google it
I mention that because ECP called me a liar and then proceeded to explain to me how that was IMPOSSIBLE
You can go back to the last thread of EV’s and see his ridiculous embarrassing chastisement of me when, in fact, I was totally right.
It’s bad enough when low performing coworkers try to hijack your efforts, but to have management do it?
Get a new job. Someone out there will appreciate your work ethic.
Of course, management is upset, one exemplary in a sea of mediocrity makes the boss(s) look bad ,”Why can’t you motivate your other workers to over-achieve? Your management skills suck”.
There are only 2 solutions; go work for yourself, un-encumbered by lazy unmotivated co-workers, free to make your own dent in the universe at your base, or, direct your passions to other areas of self-expression outside of work. For me, this is anecdotal.
there are a lot of managers who are managers solely because they were standing there when the company they work for needed a manager
add to that the diversity/fag-hag hires and it’s amazing ANYTHING gets done, let alone done correctly
The job is data entry, and productivity is… frowned upon??? Insane.
Also – remember Circuit City? I remember well when they announced that they were laying off the top 50% of earners. You know who the top 50% are? They are the ones who actually know what they are doing, who actually help the customers, who actually make sales. I was stunned at how rapidly CC went into oblivion, but I certainly expected it to happen sooner or later.
I worked for a County Road & Bridge for six years….you know the kind…..we paved roads, shouldered roads, crack sealed roads, plowed snow etc….Pretty brain dead shit…..I was forcibly transferred 3 times for being to efficient. My crew members kept telling me to slow down. How the fuck do you slow down getting a load of materials and taking it to another location and repeat it 8 times a day?…..The management were the same as the lazy fuckers before they went into management….
I’ve worked with people that dedicated their entire career to doing the absolute minimum they could get away with.
Boy, have I got stories. Don’t kill the job was one I heard a lot when I first hired in. I related that the system rewarded those that got the job done with more work and the ones who dogged it got closed down. I was right.
On my apprenticeship in class at the local college, an apprentice from another plant says to me, “What’s this I hear the guys at your plant have to go into work every day”. Yup, I said. You don’t? The reply was, “We’ve all got pagers and only have to go in if we get paged”. They eventually closed that plant. What a shock.
Transferred to another plant. The mantra there was that if we don’t work 7 days a week 10 or 11 hours a day, we don’t work at all. I related that attitudes like that led to other plants being closed. That did not go over well but guess what? You guessed it. The work went to China an Korea.
At that same plant, in my department, we had a general supervisor that would actually sabotage jobs in progress. She had an unhappy marriage, no kids and wanted to work 7 days a week 10 or 11 hours a day. She had a cast of compadres that would follow every order even if it was blatantly wrong. I don’t know how she hid her subterfuge from her superiors. The quest for overtime was a sickness there.
I have tons more stories. You got the CliffsNotes on the ones above.
And, proud of it!
In my experience, unions were the ones that stopped workers from being too good at their jobs.
Wild Bill MONDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER 2023, 17:39 AT 5:39 PM
Where I worked the pay was the same. I had a saying I made up.
Whether you can or your can’t.
Whether you will or you won’t.
Whether you do or you don’t.
The pay is the same.
I drove truck years ago for a steel company.
One of my deliveries was to a GM plant in Pontiac, Mi.
Always had to wake up the overweight stinky slob in receiving to sign my paperwork so I could continue my day. Plant supervisors all over the place that said and did nothing.
You’re too productive.
Translation, you’re making the diversity hires look bad.
Unions always tried that crap with me. The solution? Don’t work a union job.
I knew someone who was the chief engineer at a big city radio station, probably back in the late ‘60’s or early ‘70’s. When he did his first payroll there was a name he did not recognize. He had never seen the guy and he was not listed as being on vacation or leave of any kind.
The chief crossed the guys name off and did not approve that guy’s check. The chief got called into the manager’s office. The unknown “employee” was a relative of the person who founded the musician’s union in the city and he was to be paid every payday and that was never to be questioned again.
i lost my very first job in 1971 because the union would not accept me, and it was a closed shop.
later, working as a typist, i found out the girl i was training was being paid more that i was….”but, you see, with the new pay schedule, you’ll be eligible for a larger raise”….okay, give me the raise….”you’re not due for a raise”….they got their two weeks notice, and i typed everything three times over, so i could “earn” their minimum pay rate.
i lost my very first job in 1971 because the union would not accept me….”slow down!”… and it was a closed shop.
later, working as a typist, i found out the girl i was training was being paid more that i was….”but, you see, with the new pay schedule, you’ll be eligible for a larger raise”….okay, give me the raise….”you’re not due for a raise”….they got their two weeks notice, and i typed everything three times over, so i could “earn” their minimum pay rate.
DH coworkers would slow down during the day so they could collect time-and-ahalf overtime, plus a paid meal.
Classic stuff. But the story teller didn’t mention when she/he did the slowdown she/he started competing to spend the least amount of time to reach the slowdown goal. People who are going to achieve are going to achieve wherever they are. It’s probably some form of narcissism or borderline personality disorder in the modern day wokie diversity ramalama dingdong world.
If you rock, bail in and out and in to places till you find one that gets it. Or, start your own show and learn how to deal with all sorts of new headaches… including performance metrics for the slow coaches and… how to deal with people like… you.
Once, Kay Whitmore, the CEO of Kodak was asked how many people worked there. His famous response was “oh, about half of them”. The sad part was there really were two people for every job.