Which is the bigger issue, that the Donald exaggerated the number of Muslims celebrating 9/11, or the media scrubbing references to the celebrations? – IOTW Report

Which is the bigger issue, that the Donald exaggerated the number of Muslims celebrating 9/11, or the media scrubbing references to the celebrations?

The Conservative Treehouse reports an interesting nugget – The New York Post scrubbed a 2001 article that describes Paterson New Jersey Muslims celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers.

Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attacks in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New York- ers that it would be wrong to take their anger out on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.


ht/ FDR in Hell

8 Comments on Which is the bigger issue, that the Donald exaggerated the number of Muslims celebrating 9/11, or the media scrubbing references to the celebrations?

  1. More proof that the Knee-Pad Media is bought and paid for and pushing a Leftist agenda to re-write history! It absolutely happened and most people over the age of… say 25 probably knows it (or should) first hand. I personally know for a fact that arabs in the schools around here celebrated it and saw it on the news. I also remember it as a topic of conversation with fellow workers in other cities saying the same thing. Trying to tell us otherwise is simply pure propaganda on the Bullshit Meter I haven’t seen since listening to Radio Moscow in the 70s!

  2. The founding fathers made it clear that an unbiased press was necessary to achieve a properly representative government and essential for the health of the Republic.

    The press should serve the governed, not the governors. Our elected officials are not the only ones who should be tarred and feathered.

    Our Republic is on life support.

  3. Trump was the weird uncle you had for thanksgiving. Goofy but usually has good points and wisdom. thousands of thousands of thousands..geezz reminds of Karl Segan with Billions of Billions of stars hhahahahhahah my vote for Karl …then Trump

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