‘Whistleblower’ Attorney Was Informant who Scuttled Trump’s Nominee for CIA Watchdog – IOTW Report

‘Whistleblower’ Attorney Was Informant who Scuttled Trump’s Nominee for CIA Watchdog


Andrew Bakaj, the attorney representing the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump, previously was a whistleblower witness whose public allegations scuttled the confirmation of the Trump administration’s nominee for CIA inspector general.

Bakaj’s original complaint against Trump’s nominee was filed with the office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Intelligence Community. The IG at the time was Chuck McCullough, who is currently working at Bakaj’s three attorney law firm representing the so-called whistleblower.

Like Bakaj, the so-called whistleblower against Trump also filed his “Disclosure of Urgent Concern form” with the IG for the intelligence community, albeit with the new IG, Michael Atkinson.

Bakaj founded the Compass Rose Legal Group, which is representing the central so-called whistleblower on the matter of Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. Bakaj confirmed that his law firm is also representing “multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General.”

Bakaj previously interned for Hillary Clinton and did work for other Democrats. At the CIA, Bakaj helped to develop a whistleblower reprisal investigation program.

Breitbart News reported that a search of Bakaj’s Twitter account finds rabid anti-Trump posts such as repeated advocacy for Trump cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove Trump as president over claimed competency issues. read more

4 Comments on ‘Whistleblower’ Attorney Was Informant who Scuttled Trump’s Nominee for CIA Watchdog

  1. Wait a sec. Charles McCullough….wasn’t he the IG who tried desperately to blow the whistle on Hillary’s bathroom server, even publicly testifying before Congressional Oversight? He was a regular guest on FOX when the story first broke.

    I guess one requirement for working in US govt is you have to be a chameleon.

    Seems as if, after Trump election, a public announcement went out to fed employees to form a co-op.

  2. “Bakaj”?… Sounds kinda ragheaddy. Can we please get the fucking muslims out of our intel agencies. We know where their fucking loyalties lie, and it’s not with the United States.

  3. Gee Wally, common sense should tell you that any lawyer working with or for Bill Clinton’s criminal business partner (otherwise known as a sociopathic, tax-evading, money-laundering, self-serving, lying, cheating, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling screeching Basilisk who’s lust for power and money is only exceeded by her unbridled, snarling greed) is a shyster sleazebag!


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