Whistleblower’s Attorneys Angry That CBS ’60 Minutes’ Is Making Stuff Up – IOTW Report

Whistleblower’s Attorneys Angry That CBS ’60 Minutes’ Is Making Stuff Up

CBS couldn’t have expected this.

WJ: When the news program “60 Minutes” aired coverage of the White House whistleblower controversy on Sunday, it was almost laughably slanted in favor of the Democratic side.

So, the network had to be looking for gripes from the right, but a key claim made at the top of the story had “60 Minutes” under fire from attorneys for the anonymous whistleblower – who weren’t shy about attacking that venerated institution of liberal bias.

In a Twitter post late Sunday, whistleblower attorney Mark Zaid specifically denied a “60 Minutes” claim that the whistleblower is “under federal protection because he or she fears for their safety.”

“NEWS ALERT: 60 Minutes completely misinterpreted the contents of our letter,” Zaid wrote.

True to arrogant form, CBS tweeted  a one-sentence reply: “60 Minutes stands by its sources and reporting on the whistleblower.”

And that brought a much angrier riposte. read it here

12 Comments on Whistleblower’s Attorneys Angry That CBS ’60 Minutes’ Is Making Stuff Up

  1. Schiff, with malice aforethought, intentionally lied and read a Hollywood Script into the Official Record and then called it a Parody.

    No, Adam.
    It’s not Parody. It’s Macaroni.
    And it will cost you dearly.

    P.S. Hey Adam Schiff, do you want to buy a Hat?
    We do have Hats. Lots and Lots of Hats.

  2. Makes sense that 60 Minutes would double-down on their comment despite being corrected by the attorney. The truth (such as it is) doesn’t fit their narrative. Funny thing is, they both deserve each other.

  3. Sounds like the Traitor Tranny is trying to walk things back before it gets in its own shit pile in any deeper. Too late, you fucking lying pervert piece of shit. The whole world is gonna know who you are and why you smeared the POTUS, you fucking degenerate scumbag.


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