White House Calls Nancy’s Bluff – IOTW Report

White House Calls Nancy’s Bluff

Fox News

The White House will send House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a letter on Friday “daring” her to hold a vote on Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Fox News has confirmed.

The letter will say the White House won’t comply with the Democrats’ investigation because Pelosi hasn’t codified the probe with a formal vote on the House floor. Its tone will be consistent with that of the letter House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., sent to the speaker on Thursday, Fox learned.

In his letter, McCarthy called on Pelosi to end the impeachment inquiry until “equitable rules and procedures” are set up. More

9 Comments on White House Calls Nancy’s Bluff

  1. Please Nancy, impeach the President. When you do, he can call in anybody he wants for witness and put them under Oath. The Democrats entire anti-American and traitorous agenda will be exposed to the World.

  2. Nancy doesn’t have the mental capacity to set up anything, let alone an impeachment inquiry.

    You SURE you want to do this, Democrats? Because you’re going to come out of this smelling like road kill skunks.

  3. this isn’t about actually impeaching the potus.
    it’s all about digging up unsubstantiated dirt on Trump, presenting it in the democrat news as truth.
    the democrats don’t have an election platform, they have dirty dirt.

  4. Prepare for more rhetoric, and insistence from the LSM that Trump is about to go down!!!
    Basically every single day since November 9, 2016 – and will continue until at least January 3, 2021 when the House becomes Republican-led again, likely 4 years beyond that.

  5. Trumpus Maximus just brilliantly noted to the press that the Magic Negro was using foreign agencies to investigate him while he was running his campaign for President in 2016 and the presstituties never criticized the Black Jesus or demanded an impeachment.

    I love the Orange man. He is a fighting gladiator vs the rat bastard media.


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