White House Unveils MS-13 Policy Ahead Of Trump’s Visit To Long Island, NY – IOTW Report

White House Unveils MS-13 Policy Ahead Of Trump’s Visit To Long Island, NY

Daily Caller: Fresh off a Thursday evening House vote that saw $1.6 billion appropriated for construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Trump administration is turning its attention to filling out the rest of its ambitious immigration agenda, which includes a crackdown on the violent transnational gang MS-13.


The White House laid out its wish list for immigration enforcement policy in advance of President Donald Trump’s Friday visit to Long Island, where MS-13 is responsible for a spate of brutal murders this year.

High on the list of priorities are ushering a series of enforcement bills through Congress and tripling the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers responsible for tracking down and deporting criminal aliens, particularly known members of border-spanning gangs like MS-13. The legislative agenda would intensify the administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration, which has already dropped precipitously in the first six months of 2017.  read more

9 Comments on White House Unveils MS-13 Policy Ahead Of Trump’s Visit To Long Island, NY

  1. Take a couple of extra exorcists, PDT. Both the religious kind and the kinetic kind. These hominids are demon-possessed, and the deep state would love for these creatures to take you down.

  2. “…the Davis Oliver Act, a sweeping enforcement bill that punishes sanctuary cities, provides for expedited removal of criminal aliens and empowers local jurisdictions to enforce federal immigration law. That bill, introduced by GOP Reps. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Raul Labrador of Idaho in May, remains stuck in the House Judiciary Committee.”

    The DoJ must do more than merely withhold grant money from so-called “Sanctuary Cities”. It has the legal backing to prosecute every mayor and every city councilman for refusing to enforce federal immigration law! As soon as people like Deblazio, Emanuel, and the rest start being frog-marched out of their comfy, well-appointed and guarded offices, the rest will become believers in American Justice, not a Marxist “Social Justice.” Acting ICE Director, Homan, said it as plainly as he could: Until “Sanctuary Cities” cease to exist, we will never have a sovereign nation. These places will serve to attract illegals and act as a gateway to the rest of the country. These cities are holes in our big, beautiful border wall and always will be. No point at all in securing our physical borders if they continue to operate as the welcome wagons for illegals.

    Who is on the House Judicial Committee?


    Please make your phone calls, emails, tweets, etc. Trump can’t do it alone.

  3. Organgrinder — My understanding is that this effort needs a higher profile visit to those countries of MS-13 origin because in the past they have refused taking these villains back or, once returned, they simply came back because their home countries weren’t taking them into custody for crimes committed in their own countries. Trump talked about this a lot on the stump — how he was going to stop this ineffective enforcement on our end because the U.S. had no cooperation from these peoples’ countries of origin.

  4. MS-13 = Organized criminal conspiracy.

    Prosecute the entire gang for first degree murder, convict, execute every last one of them.

    Any you catch later get a hearing to determine membership, followed by execution if positive.

  5. The movie concept “Escape from New York” is not an unreasonable approach this day and age. If the countries won’t take them back (in the case of MS-13 a case can be made that they are an American creation from refugees from El Salavador back in the 80’s) then find an island, make sure it has water and materials to build shelters, paradrop food, medical supplies and whatever else is deemed necessary for life and quarantine it. Twice a month run a boat out with the new lifetime members of Gilligans Island, push them off into the surf and leave. If they try to revolt dart them with elephant tranqs and leave them on the beach.

  6. scr_north —

    “…push them off into the surf and leave.”

    Push them off about 3/4 mile out and let them swim. Let the darling theory of the Left play out — Darwinism. Long-timers on the island probably wouldn’t let then land anyway.

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