White racist progressive overlords upset that Native Americans won’t let them be told how to think – IOTW Report

White racist progressive overlords upset that Native Americans won’t let them be told how to think


A new survey of Native American opinions on the Washington Redskins’ nickname once again demonstrates underwhelming opposition to the moniker and just how out of touch the so-called “mainstream media” really is. The new survey duplicates the Washington Post’s 2016 poll finding that 90 percent of Natives are not offended by the Redskins’ nickname ― much to the disappointment of writers at the Post. Like Theresa Vargas, who insists the name is a dictionary-defined slur, no matter how many people accept the word.

“The Redskins’ name is a dictionary-defined slur, whether or not 10 percent of Native Americans or 50 percent of your co-workers or your favorite aunt acknowledge it.”


Sit down and shut up, stupid.

14 Comments on White racist progressive overlords upset that Native Americans won’t let them be told how to think

  1. “White racist progressive overlords” is the perfect description of the left.
    If Native Americans had a do-over they would have built a wall, a big beautiful wall

  2. So…about 30 kilometers from Oaxaca Mexico is a town where people go to worship a tree, large, old tree. Nearby is a settlement of very private Sioux indians, and a very handsome squareness to their facial shape. They are red, very red. Sometimes they come in to pray at the tree by bus…Oral history says that they came by horse leaving a path of destruction and a great distance from their original home. They keep to themselves and are not liked by the locals…I am going in November to see them one last time as the young women and one man told me that I would back in 1992..Bring trinkets and money and they will merely rob you ..Redskin became a slur due to Leftists who do this everyday ..
    They are a sight to see and quite remarkable in the deep yet bright red color..

  3. I have a BIL who’s moral compass wildly spins in all directions, landing according to whomever he feels will recognize his humility or greatness.

    He’s held lifetime Redskin tix (they’re passed down from generation to generation). Being the “humble” guy (not at all showy) purchased a Maserati, a SLC Roadster Mercedes, and an Odyssey Minivan for my sis and the kids. ALL vehicles HAD to be Redskin Maroon in color.

    When the conundrum to keep or change the team’s name arose, all of a sudden he agrees, Redskin is racist.

    That’s gonna be some expensive paint jobs.

  4. Let’s see if native americans (they actually aren’t) as a group prove themselves corrpt progressive jerkoffs or prove themselves to be respectable politicially. How? By their support or nonsupport of Fauxcahontas.

  5. It’s been awhile, but I used to drive through the Navajo reservation NE of Flagstaff, AZ. Up near the four corners there’s a school proudly displaying a sign that reads, “Home of the Redskins”.


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