Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Tone Deaf to Suffering of The American People – IOTW Report

Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Tone Deaf to Suffering of The American People

Red State

As RedState reported, the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner took place on Saturday evening. In one of the nation’s most grotesque events, supposedly unbiased journalists gather to cosplay as Hollywood stars and give each other awards for partisan reporting.

That Donald Trump never attended so they could attempt to further destroy him constantly irked them. For decades, Republicans had shown up dutifully to play the game of a crowd that hated them, and Joe Biden bringing back the return of a president in attendance filled their hearts with joy.

Of course, the supposed highlight of the evening is the roasting, and Biden did take some hits. But, it was his response that showed just how truly out of touch he is.

“Since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up. Gas is up, rent is up, food is up! Everything!” BIDEN: *laughs*

Trevor Noah Jokes at the Whitehouse Correspondent’s Dinner


10 Comments on Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Tone Deaf to Suffering of The American People

  1. The worst is that none of them wore masks, yet the servers were forced to.
    Talk about intimations of slavery, which the left constantly claims the right does.

  2. Why wouldn’t they show contempt for a population that, in the aggregate, allows themselves to be played for… going on a third year?

    I said in mid March of 2020 that by April Fool’s Day most of the country will have had enough of being played for idiots. Boy, did I ever underestimate the majority of the population. Any population that would allow what has gone down doesn’t collectively deserve to not be the target of ridicule.

  3. Pedophilia is WAY up.

    So are government poisonings of its own citizens.

    Sytematic government murder of the elderly in particular is up, as is government murder of the unborn.

    All this stems from election fraud being up.

    And they have plans to raise it even higher come November.

  4. there were 3 topics: I watched a tiny bit but failed quickly.

    1) COOF
    2) We are all Vacinated & therefore Virtuous
    3) Democracy is under threat from Free Speech (they call it misinformation)


  5. I was so happy to see the President and the major media laugh heartedly about the misfortune of so many families caused by the Marxist policies and actions of the Biden Administration.
    “Since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up. Gas is up, rent is up, food is up! Everything!”

    So funny that so many families and seniors are in difficult financial situation. Room full of asses!

  6. There’s a reason there’s no Louis XVII. The people in D.C. are skating perilously close to Versailles and the calling of the Estates-General in 1789 that kicked off the bloody French Revolution.

    Imagine these imbeciles trying to overrun a Republican held congress by all the Blue States signing on for a Convention of States. Then attempting to highjack reasonable reforms to benefit themselves might be just the thing to kick off the Revolution. Perhaps replacing the guillotine with the even less humane wood chip.


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