Michigan governor frequently broke her own COVID rules at home.
[And she also killed a lot of seniors in nursing homes.]
WFB: Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer (D.) was spotted late Friday nightย without a mask in the standing-room only area of a popular Washington, D.C., cocktail bar, hours before she pulled out of an early-morning canvas for flailing Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe.
A video shared with the Washington Free Beacon shows Whitmer, who has repeatedly come under fire for breaking her own coronavirus restrictions, socializing in the crowded bar at the Hotel Washington. A hotel staffer who spoke with the Free Beacon noted that bar patrons are required to wear masks when not actively eating or drinking. Whitmer was not doing either while maskless. Several individuals standing near the governor were wearing masks.
Whitmer was scheduled to join Arlington Democrats on Saturday for a door-knocking campaign in Rosslyn, Virginia, to promote McAuliffe, who is facing Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin in a hotly contested race. Whitmer campaign communications director Maeve Coyle said a “schedule change” prevented the governor from attending McAuliffe’s campaign event. read more
Bitchin’ Gritchen has a high forehead reminescent of Brack in the scifi movie This Island Earth.
Apparently she is a booze-soaked meatbag.
It should be a criminal offense for her not to wear a mask (all bandits do) even in the best of times!
I think there is a short time frame when this fat pig isn’t shoveling food into her gaping maw.
I’ve never seen anyone with such a huge forehead.
Yeah, but she’s seated. Everyone knows that the covid doesn’t transfer if you’re seated. It’s just those 30 seconds from entering to sitting down that are dangerous.
And she just ordered over a quarter million doses of vaccines for kids. Frikken Witless Bitchmer!