Who Cut Off Their Canucks? – IOTW Report

Who Cut Off Their Canucks?

24 Comments on Who Cut Off Their Canucks?

  1. I do not understand this quiet acceptance of perversion, insanity, and Satanism.
    How has this infection travelled so far, so fast?

    Once the comment was made that if homosexuality metastasized in society, it humanity would (could) end within a single generation.
    The resident faggot commenter at the time admonished that homosexuality wasn’t a disease.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 1) They Failed to make the Playoff for the 3rd straight season.

    2) The Players didn’t look too happy.

    3) Barely anyone in the stands.

    4) Heroine Junkie Capital of Canukistan.

    5) These STILL were not the Gayest Uniforms they ever had. see 1978-1982 “V” jersey (Vomit)

  3. How utterly ridiculous. Does management of these teams feel the need and decide to promote homosexuality or are they caving to pressure from activists? Why would a sports team promote any social issue unrelated to the sport itself? In graduate school for clinical psychology we used a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders which listed homosexuality and other sexual disorders, now apparently in vogue, as mental diseases. This was in the 1970s. Of course the manual has been “updated” to better reflect the current perversity of our society. Bottom line, in reality based thinking, sex is for one purpose, procreation and survival of a species.

  4. The turtle moves slowly, yet ever toward his goal. Social acceptance of deviant behavior has increased since the 1970s driven by the vanilla homosexual agenda in the beginning, now running to the tranny fad under cover of the vanilla homosexual banner, to queering children under the same rainbow flag. The goal, what has always been the goal, is using children for sexual gratification. Some studies suggest there are three times as many minor attracted persons -pedopphiles- as there are vanilla homosexuals in the US. That is where the movement gets its power, the sick sexual drive to use innocent children for sexual gratification.

  5. This is coming from those in power, where likely most are sexual deviants.

    The atomic family must be destroyed in order to decrease the population and create subjects that ate easily controlled.

    There’s a special place in hell waiting for these destroyers of people. Hopefully Satan doesn’t have to wait too long…

  6. I had a conversation with one of those weirdos. He’s a cashier, they put it out there for people like me. Tghe thing startedin on his routine. He mentioned “because of the way I look!” He had it all going on except the stilettos. I said “what do you mean by the way you look?” You glared at me like saying “IDIOT LOOK AT ME, MY BIG ASS EAR LOBE STRETGHERS, MY BARBELL PIERCING AT THE BRIDGE OF MY NOSE!”. He’s got the makeup going on as well. This is rich what I said to him: “Why, you don’t look any different than others your age running around. Maybe do something different with your looks, so you REALLY do stand out! LOL! He rolled his eyes at me. I’m still chuckling about it.

  7. I have discovered that the more I put these faggot friendly entities out of my life, the happier I become. I stopped watching the NFL in the late eighties because I saw it becoming afro-centric, complete with the afro-porn halftime shows. Since then, I carefully control where my money and time goes. I now put those resources into things that I can feel good about.


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