WHO has a dilemma classifying mentally ill transgenders. What? – IOTW Report

WHO has a dilemma classifying mentally ill transgenders. What?

Activists have been protesting the World Health Organization, requesting a change its code that identifies transgenders as mentally ill. Currently that is how these people are classified, as well they should. (Although, the WHO claims transgenders are merely listed in the mental disorder chapter of their guidelines, but they don’t think of them as mentally disturbed. It’s just the most convenient place to talk about it, and is merely a coincidence. uh huh.)

But there’s a problem with reclassifying the mentally deranged homosexuals who want to be relabeled a heterosexual by way of mutilating their own genitals. The WHO says if they are not listed in the codebook under an illness, anything associated with transgenderism would be considered elective and there would be no health benefits.

Oh, what to do? What to do?



12 Comments on WHO has a dilemma classifying mentally ill transgenders. What?

  1. A choice? The WHO actually recognizes an individual choice and not the, “it’s who I am” and there’s nothing I can do to change crowd? It didn’t stop Trudeau with pushing to change the lyrics to O’ Canada.
    Canada is in neutral now.

  2. There’s also a disorder called Glass Delusion where you think you’re made of glass.
    Maybe the government should pay for a padded litter and bearers to haul these folks around.
    Of Course there’s Alien Hand Syndrome, so we’re gonna need the Government to make everybody take sensitivity classes so they don’t get mad when these people break shit in your house when their Alien hand goes wild.
    Its an illness, calling it destiny does no one any good

  3. I just don’t understand. How in the world is the pictured person(?) attractive? Does he/she/it want to be laughed at or humiliated by everyone? I just don’t understand the need to look like a complete jackass right out in public. I guess that’s what I never liked about Obama. He lets his stupidity hang out. Maybe they think they are putting something over people? I just don’t get it!

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