Who is responsible for pouring 20k Haitians into 60k population Ohio town? – IOTW Report

Who is responsible for pouring 20k Haitians into 60k population Ohio town?

Heartbreaking and infuriating…

h/t Illustr8r

28 Comments on Who is responsible for pouring 20k Haitians into 60k population Ohio town?

  1. “You cannot have open borders and a welfare state.”

    I have personally witnessed a hotel breakfast buffet, with every breakfast item you could think of, including To-Go boxes. The usual suspects were dining in, then filling stacks of boxes which they carried out to the parking lot, stuffed into their cars, and drove away. Whoever managed that hotel must now be on the Springfield City Council.

  2. Soros and his whole entire family needs to be greased and eliminated permanently from our society. And the sooner the better, I don’t think that there is a more evil man alive today than George Soros. Or give him over to the Hungarians and let them hang him for his Nazi war crimes as a young man against the Hungarian people during World War 2.

  3. Funny, this happened right when Springfield was digging out from being a shithole city, only to become shittier than before.
    The city will be getting more Federal and State grants, all paid for by US Taxpayers.

  4. I am from Ohio. This is maddening. I listened to the older women make her complaint to the city council. She almost was apologizing. My guess is she is a liberal and probably voted Democrat? Maybe I am wrong, but her attitude is not going to fix this. I know many Ohio folks (some family) that stooped listening to me long ago (at least since COVID). They are clueless. I am not aware that any of my family owns a gun for example. I am going to the gun store today. I don’t have the money for one of those fancy black guns, but I am going to have to get something that can take a target out at distance. Shotgun is not enough.

  5. I’m from a small city in Illinois and relate to the poor woman’s frustration in the video. A decent hard working American trying to survive day to day AND fight off a foreign invasion. Thankfully I moved to a red state in the 1980s.

    Yes. what’s happening to these American citizens in small Midwest cities and towns because of Democrat socialist sanctuary policies is truly heartbreaking. Yet, aren’t most of these places dominated by Democrat political leadership. Springfield, Ohio may have brought this on themselves. There in lies the rub. Unfortunately, not much they can do until President Trump is reelected.

    I thought Illinois was far worse than Ohio when it comes to the wave of foreign national invasion. Guess Ohio is in play for self destruction, too.

  6. ” Ohio may have brought this on themselves.”

    I think there’s a good possibility that local political leaders have no say in who they move in or how many. My daughter and her family live in extreme NorCal. What I like to refer to as “Red Neck Conservative”. This is a county that totally blew off all the COVID crap. That county is being over run with Chinese Nationalists. Kind of funny how they like to keep them all together.

  7. DaveVA

    Honestly, good on you for realizing you need something long distance. If things go hot that’s what you will need to protect your family. A pistol will not do you much good.

  8. Janet Mills has approved Catholic Charities sending illegals, including many Haitians, to Bangor, ME.
    Up north has been largely spared but not any more.
    I sent her this article this morning with the comment she should watch for this to happen in Bangor because of her decisions.
    She won’t care but she needs to know someone is watching.

  9. Thirdtwin

    Sometimes it’s awfully hard to beat a bolt gun. Besides, who wants to get that close to the action. I’d rather mail it in. And that’s coming from a guy that builds ARs. Got them laying all over the house. All in 300 Black Out. Except for one 7.62 by 39. That’s for recycled blue helmet ammo.
    I’m looking real hard a bolt gun in 6.5 PRC. They’re taking that round out to a mile.


  10. Hard to beat a .308 bolt gun, lots of cheap ammo, it can reach that shelf way in the back.
    Gave my Browning 30.06 to my DIL, it was too pretty a gun for me to knock about.

  11. B_B from the page you linked about the 6.5 prc it looks like if you have a .270 you basicly already have the function of the 6.5 prc. Check comparisins of MVs and drops at 500 yards.

  12. Chart reader
    Ballistically inside 1,000 yards both those rounds are similar. The difference start showing up at around 1600 yards. The 270 with a 140 grain pill goes sub at about 1650. 6.5 PRC will stay super, with a lot more energy out to 2,000 yards. There’s two ammo manufacturers achieving that, ones Nosler with a 143 grain bullet and I think the other one was Barnes.
    The difference is the 6.5 round. That thing just flies. A Grendel will go 900 yards easy and that on a 7.62 by 39 case. A Creedmore way out flies a 308 and it’s mounted on a 308 case. Same weight bullet. 2000 yards with a 158 grain bullet would be lots of fun. If only I could see that far.
    I know I saw a chart a long time ago on the coefficient of drag for popular bullets. I’ll try and dig that up. It was actually pretty interesting.

  13. Bolt guns are great. I like running the action on a smooth gun,, Have we forgotten the Garand. Hits out to as far as an average old guy can shoot. Plenty of 06 ammo will still be floating around if needed.

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