Who Wants To Talk? – IOTW Report

Who Wants To Talk?

I have a little time before dinner.

Any reader wanting to get something off their chest, email bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com with a phone number and we’ll getcha on the air with whatever is buggin ya’ -or maybe some good news.


19 Comments on Who Wants To Talk?

  1. I can’t talk to you or meet you. I met Johnny Carson at a gas station. Big mistake. I nodded
    trying to be cool and he just pretended I wasn’t there. We were 10 ft apart.
    I was driving my bosses Bentley. Come on give me something. NOPE
    So I can’t meet you. I know I’ll screw up again.

  2. More nagging – get out Fur and Czar or I’ll fly down on my broom stick with the flying moneys and haul you out. As for that tent on the beach, stick my harridan MIL in it. She’ll love it.

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