Who Was the Doctor Behind Dr Pepper? – IOTW Report

Who Was the Doctor Behind Dr Pepper?

Weird History Food is going to crack open a can and tell you the History of Dr. Pepper. While maybe not quite as popular as Coca-Cola or Pepsi, Dr. Pepper has been around just as long as its bigger rivals. But how did Dr. Pepper start? And when did America want to start wanting to become a Pepper too?

22 Comments on Who Was the Doctor Behind Dr Pepper?

  1. I have not and never will be a Dr. Pepper fan. I don’t drink much pop to begin with in the first place and if I do I drink RC cola which I like more than Coke or Pepsi. I will admit that I like Mt. Dew when I go to Taco Hell on occasion. It must be me, but I also like Shasta soda (it hasta be Shasta) and especially their raspberry cream soda. And my wife and I always argued over whether to call it soda or pop, she preferred to call it soda and I called it pop.

  2. geoff the aardvark TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2023, 12:42 AT 12:42 PM
    “…the Oscar Meyer weiner commercials. “Oh, I’d love to be an Oscar Meyer weiner.”

    …that was way back before we had Transportation Secretaries that go their job specifically BECAUSE they had a publicized yen to have their weiners eaten…

  3. I find warm DrPepper to be syrup of ipecac in a can.

    Within the past year I found 7-Up made with real sugar. It has a different taste than the corn syrup version. I would get that if I found it again. I think we got it in Kroger but we normally shop at HEB. It may also have been a special run.

    I used to drink cola until I started having regular bouts of AFib. My doctor told me to lay off caffeine. I’ll have a Coke once every few years (usually if I am having lunch and nothing I would normally drink is available) and I wonder how I was able to drink liquid sugar.


    I went to an endodontist once named Howard Fine. Seeing he was about to do a root canal on me, I refrained from saying Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard. I’m sure he had heard it before anyway.

  5. The NCO that handed me my discharge (Honorable) papers early in January of ’68 at Bergstrom A.F.B. in Austin was Sgt. Pepper. I couldn’t believe my eyes! My last contact with anyone in the Air Force.

  6. The wife and I were vacationing in Texas a few years back. When we were traveling through Waco she saw a sign about the Dr. Pepper Museum. I had not planned a stop in Waco but we spent the afternoon at the museum. If you are ever in Waco you should check it out.


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