Whoopi Contemplates Leaving – IOTW Report

Whoopi Contemplates Leaving

As if there wasn’t enough reasons to vote for Donald Trump this fall, Whoopi Goldberg added the threat of her moving to another country if the Republican frontrunner is elected.


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44 Comments on Whoopi Contemplates Leaving

  1. She’s full of shit! She’s not going to leave the comfort of her gated community in Tuxedo Park; her limo drivers, pool boys, gardeners, and servants.
    She’s just like the rest of those fakes:
    If Reagan’s elected, I’m leaving
    If Bush is elected, I leaving.
    They are all still here and slobbering over any socialist they can lock on to. Phuckemall!

  2. She certainly has my permission to be proactive about it and leave right fukin now because I really don’t believe that the country is that far gone to actually elect the sick, twisted, lying, influence-pedalling, alcoholic criminal business partner of a low-life bicycle seat-sniffing, trailer park troll who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred that single-handedly dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse, or that old Commie Butt-Pick Bernie Sanders!!

  3. All these entertainment types make the threat, get some free press (which they typically need) then conveniently forget about the threat after the election. The media aid and abet these fools by printing this crap that they know is not true. Now I’m quite happy that they stay where they are because even if a few come north it will be constant whining about snow and small audiences.

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